    If you were in a job interview and they asked you to tell them some of your faults , what would you say that wouldn't make yourself sound like the kind of employee they wouldn't want ?

    +2  Views: 614 Answers: 3 Posted: 5 years ago

    3 Answers

    mycatsmom, I love this question because I've never really pondered on my faults., (boredom, curiosity, chatterbox).  I have had every job in the book, except waitress. I worked temp for 5 years and worked for about 100 companies.  I think I get bored a little easy unless, I'm working with people. can't stand computer jobs, even though I have done data entry and typesetting. I always tried to learn the job fast, and then do my real job, having fun with people. Even though most of my jobs loved me and some told me I work too quick.  I did, so I could talk to everybody. Receptionist was a great job for me, cause I could help people and talk to them too. That's why I know a lot, I interviewed everybody in the world, and still do everyday.  I cannot believe the people I meet everyday. so my faults are curiosity, getting bored easy, if things get mundane, and the desire to have fun and take everybody on the job with me. on the positive side I was generally on the social committee, at various jobs (like Stanford university). While working with kids, encouraged them to write poetry, read, have self confidence and put on entertainment shows that all the kids and staff, sang, danced, played instruments or some creative activity. My mom had a stroke 6 months ago.  At the rehab facility in Los Gatos, CA I got to know many of the people in the social room.  One lady wanted to hire me to come and sit with her husband while he was rehabilitating at home.  That's because I talked to them about their life and we had fun.  A lady, Barbara Sher the writer about finding what you were meant to do in life.  She said I was a scanner.  I am interested in everybody and many things related to people.  I use to be embarrassed to show my resume, because employers thought I was unstable, now they call it the "gig economy" So I guess a bad side (fault) can also be a good side. Ying yang as some say.


    Thank you for answering, Tabby . I don't think curiosity is a fault. It's an asset.

    I agree about curiosity, but it depends on where you are and who you're with. I have had problems with the yin and the yang, the ding and the dong. I have a written review from a job and if you read it, it would make you laugh and cry at the same time. that's what happen to me.

    sorry to hear your mom had a stroke. How's she doing ?

    mycatsmom, she is doing good. mind is still functioning, talks to us all. she is moving slower now with a walker most of the time. she's lucky. has had 5 strokes. her rehab lady told me my mother should change her diet and stop eating sweets. as soon as she got home from a month at rehab, she asked one of us for some cookies. see how we humans are.

    does she have diabetes ?

    she is not diabetic. she works puzzles a lot. and a lot of people come to visit her. she's real popular, working in the community for years and writing several, 6, books.

    ....tell them you are a workaholic 


    not a bad answer. I wonder how many of the answers they get are tongue in cheek.

    ....the closest man comes to perfection is during an interview

    LOL. or at his funeral, where everybody says nice things about him .

    @Ben….How about "I might pay too much attention to detail". :)
    Benthere asset

    Ben, not an asset when it slows you down at work. I've been told I'm too precise and thorough, which slows me down . They want someone who can work fast !

    ....if you were operating on me, flying me, fixing the brakes on the car or teaching my children I would prefer precise and thorough
    ....redoing fast work is not fast

    Ben, that's the way I see it too.But, I've been told on my jobs, that I '' don't know how to take short-cuts '' ........a trait that my dad had too.

    ....opinion: the more you work and repeat the task the faster and more experienced you become; as a boss I would support your growth, improvement and skill
    ....quality over quantity ; workers who take pride in their work should be valued

    Unfortunately, these days "fast" has become very important, consequently many more mistakes. As a consumer, I often have to make a second phone call, a second visit, to correct what I had requested. You know....still wrong! :(

    I would wonder why they wanted my faults! Most ask "where do you see yourself in 5 years?"



    They always ask for your negative points, b/c they want to see if you will fit in and get along with the others at work.

    Never had that question.

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