    If you have Caller ID on your phone, and see a call from a number you don't recognize, would you answer?

    +6  Views: 5480 Answers: 7 Posted: 5 years ago
    Tags: caller id

    This is a true story: I found a cell phone in the street. I picked it up, figuring that maybe I can find who the owner is, and return it. The phone was locked, but there was a piece of paper in the case with a list of names and numbers. I called the first no., in California. (I 'm in NY). No answer. The second no., I struck pay dirt. A woman answered, I said "is this ____?" I told her about the phone and asked if she knew anyone who lives in Queens, works there, shops there,etc. She said "Norma". I asked her to call her an see if she lost a phone. I gave her my no., and she called Norma, who called me. She did lose a phone hours before. I offered to drive several miles to her to return it. She was cautious and offered to meet me at a Burger King near me.She came, was ecstatic and she gave me $25, which I could've really used at the time. I refused, saying I can't accept this; I just did what I thought was right. I ran after her and tried in vain to return it. She said " Your parents must have raised you right." Just one case where 3 people benefited from someone answering a phone call from an unknown caller.

    7 Answers

    I will only answer the phone from a number I do not recognize if I'm expecting a call.

    No one has any business calling me if I have not  given them my number with permission to contact me. 

    Don't expect me to answer no matter how many times you ring my number.

    NO Especially weird area codes!


    Uh, who doesn’t have caller ID? Not now days. Anyhow, I answer all calls. My phone doesn’t ring often enough to justify not answering. Usually it’s an insurance call and I hang up. Yesterday it was a “cop” and I have “warrants” out for me concerning the”IRS” but darn it (CB), it was a recorded call with a number for me to call. I would have enjoyed playing their game for a whike. I hung up disappointed......

    Yes of course,that's what a phone is for,everyone i know is not in my contacts,and yes i do get some rubbish calls,just give em a piece of my mind and move on..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    No, and I block those numbers, too. Sometimes, I'll do a search to find out where the number originates. 

    No , I don't answer it. And it don't go to the door if it's nobody I know, or nobody I'm expecting. But ,my significant other answer telemarketer calls b/c he likes to give them the big run-around. An elderly woman friend of mine answers them b/c she wants someone to talk to.

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