    You’re 104 years old and you’re tired. Would you do this? Thoughts?

    +7  Views: 968 Answers: 6 Posted: 6 years ago

    6 Answers

    No to lethal injection? Let's see. I'm lying in bed in a nursing home and I need full care from various nurses and doctors. I can't get out of bed on my own, I can't feed myself, I can't roll over, my eyesight is gone so I can't read or watch tv. I have difficulty hearing so I get ignored. The outside world no longer exists for me. I could be living like this for months or maybe 2 years, 6 years, 10 years because I'm not dying, but I am still breathing. Can you picture that? Are you kidding me? Quote the Bible, precious life, God's choice and that means no, it's not allowed? God gave me a free will to make decisions. I choose lethal injection and I'm quite sure that God will understand.



    I thought you just had a wee cough!

    LOL!!! It could develop into something horrible.

    Wholeheartedly agree Ducky, i saw this on the news the other night, the gentle man had all his faculties at 104 years, he said he was getting tired and wanted to die with dignity while he still could - it,s a pity he had to go to Switzerland to carry it out - at least he had a choice; which is worse euthanasia at a 104 or schoolchildren with lives ahead of them being brought to an abrupt end.
    terryfossil 1

    God has to understand Quacker..why?????,,he wrote the rule book..of course if you do not believe in God or his word then it does not matter..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Sorry Terry mate, but GOD or GODS have never written any rule books, humans write things, not always the right things!

    I said "God will understand". I see a lot of human beings who say they are Christians yet they do horrible things to others. I would be hurting no one. Let's see how you feel when YOU are lying in that bed that I described. I think I'm simply being realistic and I wouldn't judge anyone for feeling as I do, Christian or not. (Which I am.)
    terryfossil 1

    Each to his own my friends..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I’m on the duck’s side on this. What possible reason would God have for you to live beyond what life has handed you? Life support? No free will? No say? Laying in your own filth? Suffering the abuse of supposed care givers? Why would God allow such torture? Sure, it’s a sin to second guess the entity but Lucifer could very well have a hand in the ordeal, using you to test others? Do you believe in God? Never question His will? Guess I’ll burn in hell which I don’t believe in for choosing dignity, comfort, non-burdening existence. I don’t believe God is cruel. He gave me free will.....

    You have your own free will J, no one gave or granted you that, something you are born with, only a human can take that away, or a disorder of the mind.

    Duck, I approve whole heartedly that SOMEONE marked your answer as the best. If I decided on such things I would surely chosen yours. But I didn’t. I never pick out “best answers “. I wonder who chose for me? And is that legal in AKA rules?

    I have no idea who would have done that. I had a comment removed a couple of days ago. Weird. I'll check into it.
    terryfossil 1

    then i am to assume that if God has not given us a set of rules to live by,then Moses never received the 10 commandants from God..and some bloke on drugs seen it all in a vision.?????..Geez now i sound like i am on drugs..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Old Testament? Says not to eat fat and don’t plant more than one kind of seed in a field. Also when fighting another man, chop off his wife’s hand if she grabs your genitals as well as a woman suspected of adultry must drink dirty water. Don’t wear clothes made of both linen and wool, don’t boil a baby goat in it’s mother’s milk and you can’t kill a burglar during the day. Lots of old fashioned stuff. Go by the New Testament? Nowhere in it does it say anything at all about homosexuality. Now let’s talk about God’s will. And it’s a sin to presume to know the will of God....
    terryfossil 1

    Well..i guess if you guys are all right ,then that makes me wrong,however i will not lose anything,and if you guys are wrong and i am right,,i still do not lose anything..i gotta admit i have never been in a cannot lose situation..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Bulletman, enough already.
    Most Christians accept the Bible as the Word of God, given to man. Is is flawless? The Word of God is.
    Health directives, including DNR, are really helpful.
    This man had his mental faculties and chose to die, not thinking for what purpose he might still be be alive. Consider Christopher Reeve, and the limitations he faced after his paralyzing fall. He chose to live, love, and laugh. He is the example I would hold out for myself and others.


    As you Bob, are entitled to YOUR opinion, so is BM. Don't shush others please. I question your DNR comment. That's okay? How could you think that that is helpful but assisted suicide is wrong?

    Jesus came to straighten out the old testament. That's why they call it the new testament. He broke many of the old testament's rules. That's why the pharisees were always calling him out., God is charge not me

    Not if you believe in the Bible,suicide is a no no according to God..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    where does it say that in the bible, Terry ?
    terryfossil 1

    Check it out MCM,a true christian saved by Christ,would not kill himself..and if you kill yourself before being saved,then there is no way back..

    Terry, the New Living Bible is not a's a paraphrase. And what if you commit suicide after getting saved ?
    terryfossil 1

    Then i believe you stumble at the finish line MCM,and all you have left is to rely on the grace of God..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    No life is too precious.

    No. I might miss something!! 

    NO! Tired? When I go to sleep, I expect to wake up shortly or within x amount of hours, not to not wake up at all.i

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