    Trigger locks would have a major impact on public shootings....

    What ideas do you have.....

    +4  Views: 836 Answers: 6 Posted: 5 years ago

    6 Answers

    Banning guns altogether might have an affect on the American death rate, not going to happen though, your population needs to have these things, we don't want to overpopulate your little country, do we?

    It depends upon who would hold the keys. The knucklehead who just killed 10 in TX used his father's gun. How irresponsible of him to have it where his son could access it. If there was a gun lock, he might have found the key.


    I’m assuming the key is on his key chain in his pocket....

    or if the gun was locked up in a cabinet and the ammo was stored somewhere else.


    ....striving for safety is always helpful

    ....restricting gun violence games/video at home may help

    ....gun safety education and monitoring weapon security at home

    ....question age appropriate movies using gun violence 

    ....question influencers that may affect gun violence such as drinking, drug involvement, change of behavior, depression, bullying and the friends/crowd that children are associating 


    Oh, wow. You just described me as a child. Went to any movie with parent’s blessings. I knew about guns through osmosis, they were a part of life. I even knew where my mom kept her pistol that scared off a peeping Tom. I was depressed as a child and I experimented. But it never occurred to me to shoot anybody. The desire is something new to our world. Wish I could determine what it was that made such a difference growing up......

    Don't think the games kill real people, people with automatic/ semi automatic weapons kill real people, stop the availability of these then you might have a start to the solution, not the perfect solution I know, but it will curtail the mass shootings.

    Simplest solution: No Guns!

    There is only one sensible answer to guns,,you must have enforceable strong gun laws that limit the type of gun you are allowed to have..and still you will not stop all killings,,bad guys kill people,mental people kill people,you will never stop people killing people,we have been doing it since the beginning of time,only we are getting better at it...However here is a comment,,this is mainly an American problem,,always has been,how many countries have the right to bear arms,,there lies the first and main problem..until that problem is fixed,the killings will continue..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Pretty old amendment that needs to be amended again, people who live in countries with strict gun laws can see the problem in the USA, but it is really up to the people of the USA to deal with this, they won't (or can't) be advised from outside their bubble.

    For what it’s worth, ter, the Santa Fe shooter was armed only with a legal to own and use and popular pistol as well as a shotgun which even I owns....
    terryfossil 1

    I do not believe he was a legal License ,or license of any kind,i believe it was his fathers..and his father should be in a spot of trouble even though he was Licensed..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    You don’t have to be licensed to own a gun in Texas......

    The situation grows worser and worser.
    terryfossil 1

    Sorry JH,i thought Bob said they had gun laws where the shooting took place,,i may be wrong,if so then Texas has an even bigger problem..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<< appears i am wrong JH..

    Honey, I’ve bought and paid for a.357 and .45, took a lesson with one. I own a shotgun and 9mm. No lessons, no permission. I can take them out and shoot them or hunt. Legally. Open Carry just became legal recently.

    Didn’t trust me?

    I agree with bulletman. But, at any rate, all high schools and middle schools should have armed guards and metal detectors. My bank has an armed guard standing in front of it.

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