    What is your best coughing solution?

    I’m consistently coughing for the third time this year. Yes, they did the chest xr. All they do is prescribe pills that almost work and an inhaler. Coughing woke me just now and I’m sitt up to alleviate it. What do y’all do?



    Thanks for all the advice for something I already know. Y’all must think I’m suddenly dense. Yes, smoking exasperates the cough and if it were a smokers cough I could stop or cut back without anybody suggesting I do so. But it’s not a smokers cough. It’s just an irritating seasonal allergy related tickle. My question is: what do y’all do for that drip dripping cough besides antihistamines? It’s shear liquid that wakes me. So far Bob ‘s suggestion has hit the nail on the head and most of sunny’s too. I’m just looking for soothing home remedies.....

    +5  Views: 925 Answers: 8 Posted: 6 years ago
    terryfossil 1

    As much as you might not like Vegemite,Vegemite in warm water which you drink works wonders..or a couple drops of tea tree oil or Eucalyptus oil in boiling water and head under a towel..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    "if it were a smoker's cough I could stop or cut back". You've already stated many times that you love smoking and will never quit. That's why it's being suggested again and again and again. Might you be simply fooling yourself? Go ahead....get angry but....stop smoking too!!!

    Angry? At you? Even though you are aware of my feelings? I went on a non smoking cruise for five days and did fine. That option will always be there. But I enjoy smoking (and eating ice cream)....
    terryfossil 1

    JH,i guess i understand and maybe not,,however i have a story,my mother had emphysema,doctors said ,"you have to stop smoking before we can operate on you",she said no,it is the only pleasure she had left,so she died.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Eating ice cream might add a few pounds. Smoking will kill you. (I just KNOW that you could never be angry with me jh.) :)

    8 Answers

    Here's a weird suggestion. Quit smoking! After about 6 months of coughing up "black goo", your cough will be gone. 

    What the Duck said JH,i do not cough as much as when i used cancer sticks..and it has been quite a few years now..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Hot lemon and honey drink, and yes stop the smoking. 


    If sitting up helps, do it. I know you aren't going to quit smoking any more than I'm going to quit chocolate.

    Raising your arms (i.e. "hands up, you're under arrest") often helps. 

    ....try, try, try

    stop smoking. It sounds like you're getting COPD. That used to be called emphysema.

    Gargle with warm salt water, suck on a cough drop,drink sweet tea.



    An exasperate my cough drop addiction? It’s worse than my smoking..... in all seriousness, I’d forgotten about warm salt water. Guess I thought I’d left it behind with my teeth agonization.... (yes, I made a new word.....)

    "agonization"? Somehow it seems to work. lol

    Stop Eating Oil Food.



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