    Does anyone still have a round scar on their arm from "the vaccination"?. What was it supposed to prevent, anyway?

    <!--StartFragment-->Image result for vaccination scar on arm<!--EndFragment-->

    +6  Views: 1007 Answers: 7 Posted: 6 years ago

    7 Answers

    Only people from overseas who come to Aussie have the scar......Smallpox last appeared in Australia in 1938, and the last case naturally occurring cases in the world was reported from Somalia in 1977. The virus is now only held officially in two secure laboratories. Any reappearance of smallpox is likely to be the result of bioterrorism, but the risk of this is extremely low.Aug 22, 2016..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    The vaccine was given in the USA for the prevention of Smallbox.  

    The Smallpox virus was declared extinct in the USA in 1952 and the Smallpox routine vaccine was stopped in 1972.


    I was born in 1966 so I have the scar (the scar does not go away over time), but my brother who was born in 1972 does not have a scar.




    Vaccine scar

    Yes I have this scar!


    Chicken Pox. That’s what we always called it. Have to look it up. That’s what was the big illnesses we worried about so many years ago. That and pollio, knew kids with braces to use to walk. Shoot, maybe I could get some for David!


    I don't recall it being chicken pox! Smallpox was a horrible disease. It killed many native Americans.

    You’re right. CB is right. Chicken Pox is something every kid gets once, twice if they contracted the illness before the age of one. My niece had it twice due to that very reason. I was six months old when I had it thus I’m not immune. Chicken Pox in adults can lead to shingles. Very bad in adults, it’s what essentially killed my mother. I thought I read that there is a vaccine but I must be mistaken. Sorry CB......

    There is a chicken pox vaccine

    I had shingles in 2012. It isn't too bad if you get it treated early . My Dr. gave me anti -virus pills that were supposed to be taken 6 X per day .And told me to put calamine lotion on my shingles spots. They never erupted into puss filled sores.

    @ MCM There is also a shingles vaccine!

    In Australia, all primary school kids in the sixth grade were vaccinated against TB, *Diphtheria and Polio., the TB inoculation usually left the noticable scar, immigrants from overseas had the Small pox inoculation scar usually quite ugly one.

    I had the vaccination at school, along with all of my classmates. I am one of a minority who does not have a scar as a result. No health care professional could ever explain why that is. As a kid, I felt left out.        :)

    country bumpkin

    The scar is probably hiding underneath all your fluffy feathers. :)

    Oh no, I've looked and pruned many times.
    terryfossil 1

    I done some reading up on the subject Duck,and it is confusing,,my understanding is no scar means the vaccination did not "take",,and then they get it done again,,right or wrong,not sure..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I don't know either but I never did get it done a second time. I only remember that as an adult, I asked a doctor who just said that not everyone gets a scar. Who knows? I didn't come down with small pox, thankfully.
    terryfossil 1

    All's well that ends well Quacker..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


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