    If you were an ambassador to North Korea, what would talk to Kim Jong about to help bring about peace in the world?

    +6  Views: 773 Answers: 5 Posted: 6 years ago

    5 Answers

    Basketball. Have "Little Kim" play Donald. Donald is 6'3". If Trump wins, scrap the nuclear program.


    Clonge, now you are really talking about something. That's the kind of thing we should introduce to the leaders. All this bomb talk is crazy. Plus those guys get to go into underground bunkers while the rest of us, if bombs go to flying, fry like cut up potatoes.

    Clonge all I know is we need to figure out something else to do to get leaders to stop fighting and dropping bombs on kids and their families. over 60 million people are displaced around the world right now. We can't take them all. Get rid of the corrupt, killers and bad people and get new leaders around the world so everybody won't have to run away from their home lands.

    Clonge all I know is we need to figure out something else to do to get leaders to stop fighting and dropping bombs on kids and their families. over 60 million people are displaced around the world right now. We can't take them all. Get rid of the corrupt, killers and bad people and get new leaders around so everybody won't have to run away from their home lands. in what carrots to dangle to sway him to be more peaceful.  

    World peace wouldn't interest him. Power and control interest him. The less he has of either, the better off are we, the rest of the world. 

    Benthere is right. 


    Carrots seems like a good idea.

    Going by his shape, I think he would prefer burgers.

    SunnyB, how about a carrot burger?

    Yes an exploding carrot in a burger, that might work.

    Put the nozzle of a gun between his eyes and ask him anything you want,,2 things will happen,he will wet his pants and cry like a baby,,bullies are afraid of being bullied..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    that's knowledge to me. I did not know bullies were scared of being bullied.
    terryfossil 1

    A bully likes to prove how tough he is,,and by being a bully scares others away..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....what is in it for him


    keep living and seeing his girlfriend. back to the basics with him.

    He wouldn’t care. He honestly believes he’s correct in his beliefs. No swaying him which would be what it takes to get him to listen and to give a crap......

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