    Should the democrats try to shut down government ?

    Sure let them show anything and everything that they can to support illegal immigrants. They need all the votes they can get. But will it work for them ?  The liberals are spending alot of time , effort and their own money . At some point they will run out. They wont show any support of anything that is not their created vision.  Immigration politics is not worth shutting down government. 

    +5  Views: 1438 Answers: 4 Posted: 6 years ago

    4 Answers

    no shutdown.  too much wasted money is spent when shutdowns occur.  when are we going to learn . . . anything.


    The democrats are defending non USA citizens , at legal citizens cost. Where is the logic in this. There is no logical conclusion to liberal thinking on this at all. Just shows liberal thinking is not beneficial to USA, only non citizens.

    Money is wasted.

    Lawmakers collect their pay during a government shutdown. Furloughed employees are on "paid vacation", and receive their wages when things are back up and running.

    Trump was elected, in part to "drain the swamp". If the Democrats want to pull the plug on themselves, it's fine with me.

    Immigration should not be part of the dealings at this time. I hope the other side calls their bluff and President Trump stays the course that got him elected.

    Your Democrats sound a lot like our Labour and Greens,,they want to open our country up to all and anybody,regardless of whether they are compatible with our country or regardless of whether we have the infrastructure to accommodate  them..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    This DACA is not even up for vote for another month or two. They just want to create chaos .

    ....the taxpayer$ pay for them to play politic$

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