    Wow! Matt Lauer got FIRED!

    An American news show. He made the show whole. Great reporter, great interviewer, and the only reason I watch the show at all.....ina


    inappropriate sex something or other. he got busted!

    +5  Views: 887 Answers: 5 Posted: 6 years ago
    country bumpkin

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    5 Answers

     I'm glad our society is finally swinging back to some morals and is making men accountable for saying whatever they want and doing whatever they want to women. This  used to be over looked and the woman wasn't believed, or was given a lateral move in the organization.It was never the perpetrator that was moved or fired..... it was the woman b/c she  complained. I've worked with men like this. And yes, I know that some women act inappropriate to others too.'s a quick trip from the penthouse to the outhouse.

    "Alleged" and "unconfirmed" were two of the words that jumped out from the article suggested.

    I'm not a fan of firing anybody without "getting to the bottom" of a situation. If any of you have ever been unfairly tried, judged, and "executed", you know what I mean.


    All these cases are making me wonder about innocent until proven guilty. I guess we assume the women are all truthful?

    clu, not me. I have know women who hollered rape and the teacher got fired. and the student admitted she was untruthful. but I do believe a lot of them. it's like ufo's, too many have said they have seen them, to say they don't exist.

    I agree with you both. There doesn't seem to be a snowball's chance in a roaring campfire for those accused. I truly wonder how many of the accusations and confirmations are motivated by vendetta.
    Did I ever share what happened when I was at the California Governor's Inauguration Dinner a few years ago? I literally had grounds for harassment against the governor himself....slimy, gross s.o.b. that he is....

    Bob, so do you feel the ladies are being a little too zealous against the men.

    I will bet this is making all kinds of (hands on) guys  fell mighty scared!


    I'm sad about this wave of people losing their livelihood for past misdeeds.  I believe there is a way to handle this, but not sure if this is the right way. We could go back and punish all sorts of people for all sorts of things.  Societies grow and change.  Woman have been taken advantage of for centuries, all over the world, (e.g. China binding women's feet, U.S. women wearing high heels, Africa, cutting a girl's sex organs, and many more examples from all over the world). Now things are changing.  So we have to vote and figure out ways to handle changing values. Men can't do what they have been doing to women for centuries, so we have to come up with new ways of being and acting. Then, fire people if they break the new man/women rules.  


    He got fired. Apparently it was it wasn’t something from years ago. They don’t fire a twenty million a year employee. Ann Curry (one of my faves) said she left in tears calling NBC a boys club. It’s about time. Nobody believed or cared about me. Water over the bridge now days.....

    jhharlan, I am not disagreeing with anybody on this topic. I'm really saying an awaking is occurring and hopefully we're growing into better humans. Some have to take a fall for being in the middle of changing thought. just like the argument over American slavery. Some wanted to keep it. Some wanted to end it. We fought a civil war over slavery. Thousands of Americans, got caught up in this changing viewpoint, and many died. However, there was a mind shift in this country, and now nobody really supports the idea of slavery. That's what's going on right now with these abuse allegations coming one after another. Perhaps in the future this kind of abusive activity will be unheard off because of what is going on right now. Agree, disagree?

    I agree with you tabber. Changes are happening. Some people involved will fall by the wayside. That's just how it goes.

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