    Halloween is over and it’s only 8:30! We’ve got 4/5 of the candy just laying around.....

    What was your Halloween like?

    +5  Views: 992 Answers: 6 Posted: 6 years ago

    6 Answers

    I did not give out Halloween candy this year.  I went out and about and looked at all the costumes kids and grow ups were wearing. I wore a scarf with pumpkins on it and a Halloween shirt, bought something at Taco Bell and Wendy's.  Back home now and discussing terror attack with better half and watching Nightly News.  We went to a school Halloween party Friday Night. I dressed as a nurse, better half dress as a doctor. goblins this year

    ....our house is a tenth of  a mile off the road, most don't want to walk that far


    I would walk that far just to have a coffee with MRS. There! We could have such a great chat! We know some of the same people. lol

    I did nothing for halloween. It's not the same when the kids are grown. Plus my Dad was killed on today's date [Nov 1, 01] in a horrible headon crash near vegas so celebrating anything is really not my bag around this date. I had to 'do' halloween for my kids so I would load them up in the van and we would go down to San Pariel where my father had lived and the people there knew my kids and would feel sorry for them because of how Paw was killed and my kids would score bigtime because of it ... the rich always give 'rich' treats LOL   [waaa]


    I 'm sorry your dad was killed in a horrible accident, Lindi. So this must be a sad day for you.

    Thanks MCM It would have been nice to see him grow old... he was just 64 when he passed... very sad. xo L

    We live on probably the most popular street for trick-or-treaters in our village. I have sit outside with Max and give out candy to hundreds of kids in past years but now just turn off the lights and stay inside. There are too many to enjoy interacting with them because of the endless lines, so no more.


    Flip, a LOT OF PEOPLE WOULD LOVE THAT PROBLEM. But it goes to show the thing about life, it's either too much or too little. Don't you love it when the balance is just right. LOL

    tabber: It is no fun when you always have a line of about a dozen kids who walk up with their bags extended, saying "trick-or-treat", I drop candy in their bag and they give way to the next kid. Then you always run out of candy and have to tell those in line "sorry kids, all gone".

    Flip, you are right. That is no fun. I really never ran out of treats, because I stop right before the big kids with the big hands come. With the world so crazy, i'm a little nervous if i'm home alone. Last night when I was headed to my car just before 6:00 dark, two big 200 to 250 pond guys walked up in full scary costumes.. They knocked on my neighbor's door. But that is what makes me think twice about handing out anything. A lot of people complain not enough kids come by. I seen the time where I live now only about 7 little groups of kids came. but I do live in a gated unit. but I was mostly thinking about the kids in here.

    I had about 20 kids. I heard a man's voice come to the door and say " Trick or Treat "   It was scary thinking about opening the door b/c I thought maybe he used it as an excuse to get me to open the door so he could come in and rape or rob me. But, I opened the door and he had a little baby in his arms who was too young to eat the candy,but I gave him a piece of candy anyway.In another case, I had a couple come to the door. They were wearing some kind of a mild  costume or face make-up like a cat. They had a baby in a wagon that was decorated.They left the baby down on the sidewalk alone while they both came to the door. 

    My area is not very "monster-worthy" for kids so I didn't even bother buying treats. My neighbor only had 4 kids come to his door.

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