    Is a pitbull a lovable dog?

    +8  Views: 1294 Answers: 13 Posted: 6 years ago

    13 Answers

    Yes indeed they are, we have a Staffy which is also considered a bull terrier, he is the most loving and caring dog I've ever had the privilege of being a member of our family, don't mess with us though, he has a mean side, then again, so do I.



    what's a Staffy ?

    Staffordshire bull terrier (see pic).

    I believe all dogs are loveable. It is the owners and the situation the dog may be placed in that makes them mean.

    Yes, until he's not. Time and time again if you hear that a dog tore a child's face off, grabbed the leg of an adult and chewed it to the bone, shook a small dog or cat to death, you can guess the breed. Is it a Cocker Spaniel? Is it a French Poodle? Is it a Golden Retriever? Nope. It's a Pit Bull. Why do people own them? My guess....the owner is defiant! So yes, it has everything to do with the owner and if their dog attacks, the owner should serve a long jail sentence.

    Most dogs are okay,cannot say the same about owners..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    They were genetically bred to become vicious.Have you ever heard a beagle to kill ? Though , all animals can "love" . That is a human emotion. Biology and genetics are everything. In Kansas City , pit bull owners must carry 100,000 dollars liability insurance. Are you willing to risk jail time to own a pitbull should it become violent and kill. Let someone else carry the risk and burden of pitbull ownership. 


    BS, no pun intended!

    animals still have that wild gene in them .

    Our neighbor who lives down the street thought they were until their pitbull killed their 2 year old son.


    It happens, but there are always reasons.

    I've heard of a lot of pits that mauled or killed a child

    Unfortuneatly a Staffy does not have to have a reason, the dog has a strong killer instinct, the answer i posted could have been worse if kids were present..


    ....depends on their handling/training 

    They are banned here in the UK. All dogs can be lovable, and all dogs can bite, depends on the way they are treated. One of our neighbours had a collie cross for years, it came from a rescue centre. Every morning  it would great his wife when she came out of the bathroom, until one morning she came out , learned down to stroke him , and he suddenly turned nasty,. and bit her nose off. She had surgery to stitch her nose back, and needless to say the dog had to be put down, no one new why it happened, it just did.



    it was prob abused in it's past life.

    I agree mcm, that's always a possibility with a rescuer dog I suppose.

    The owners think they are,certainly BUT they have a screw loose. I'm talking about the dog AND the owners. 

    I went to my honey's niece's house two years ago and they have one pit bull and another dog. I left my crocs at the door so I was bare-footed. When I walked by the pit, he took my whole foot into his mouth. He didn't chomp down, but he was giving me a message. I could have lost my foot. He was lying down when he took in my foot. I had never been there before. She said the dog belonged to their daughter and they are stuck with it..... for  some reason


    Always look to the owner if any dog is vicious... any vicious dog should likely be put down before causing grievous injury and the signs are always there although there are people who can tame the wild beast out of vicious dogs so if there is time and willingness these kinds of dogs [any breed] can often be made 'nice' but again ... you never know ... I have been chewed on by an Akida, a German Shepherd, a  Doberman and various cats but never a Pitbull... the two I had at one time were absolutely adorable!

    Related image


    Lindi, pray you don't get attacked by a pitbull as you may not be around to say you were.

    I hear you man... I know they have a powerful jaw and personality and in the wrong hands look out! I think I'll take me chances with Bigfoot instead!! :D

    I also do know how to kill a dog should the need arise! Most people are apprehensive when it comes to having to kill an animal gone feral but I really have no problems with that.

    Only yesterday in a suburb adjoining mine a lovable Staffy jumped the back fence and proceeded to rip too pieces three Chihuahua,s whist the owner was out, one was in the back yard the other two inside, the Staffy forced it's way through the doggy door to kill them as well. The Staffy was impounded, if i had my way the LOVAEABLE STAFFY would have been destroyed on the spot.  YES so much for being loveable, i don't care what you may think ,this so called breed cannot be trusted especially when it come to dogs smaller than themselves.  (:


    Recently in USA a pit bull owner was forced to sell all property-possessions to pay for medical bills to a family of a 5 year old that was attacked by a friendly pitbull. The child was playing in fenced backyard when the dog jumped fence and attacked the child. Forever scared.

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