    We record the years; BC (before Christ) and AD (after death). How were the years during his lifespan of 33 years indicated?

    +3  Views: 692 Answers: 5 Posted: 6 years ago

    5 Answers

    Growing up?

    anno Domini, AD. Whether or not one goes by the bibles theological teachings, you still can't dispute its records of the time....

    The arrival of the Messiah sounds about right to me..i give a common sense answer,even though it may be common sense to me only..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    ....there is a debate when (A.D.:in the year of the Lord) actually began

    ....was there a zero to one or 1 A.D.

    Between  B.C. and A. D.., ........there were about 33 years. During his growing up years, the Bible said he grew in stature and the Lord was well pleased with him. His first trade was to learn to be a carpenter from his earthly father. And Jesus had several brothers and sisters. He was the oldest one.He didn't perform his first miracle till his mother told him to change the water into wine at a wedding. He told her his time had not come yet; but she was bugging him, so he did it.


    Thanks for your input. However, you didn't answer my question. I know his life spanned 33 years. My question is, what were the years chronologically named between BC and AD?

    I guess the numbering of the year started with 1 ad. And before that- - - negative 1, 2, 3, bc, etc. But, how they numbers the years before the birth of Christ, I don't know . I'll have to look in the bible. I guess they used to Egyptian calendar.

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