    Too much talk about buying, selling and using bombs, air craft and war equipment. "what you focus on is what you get." Do you think people are aiming on setting off a serious war?

    +4  Views: 806 Answers: 6 Posted: 6 years ago

    6 Answers

    ....hopefully, common sense prevails for peace over war

    If you do not arm yourself or prepare for the posability of war,you would be the first to fall,most countries would think twice about attacking a country that is capable of defending themselves,,do not kid yourself,the greed of man is very high,and if you have more than them they will want it..there will be a 3rd world war,only a fool would think otherwise,,man did not learn from the first world war,they only learnt how to kill more and better..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Some one! Please tell me when the WORLD was at peace????

    terryfossil 1

    Garden of eden Clu..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Not for long, terry

    People? No. It's just one man as fa as I'm concerned. I don't know what we have to prove. I don't know why we must prove it. I thought we were doing just fine. Coasting along. Perhaps I should give him a chance; after all he knows how rid the world of ISIS in just 30 days. He promised....  Not 

    terryfossil 1

    JH,try and broaden your point of view and Trump won,it is over ,it is better to move on..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Broaden? I dislike the man, what's so unbroadened about this? He's not my president. I resist. I can hope and pretend all I want. Whether or not it hurts or helps, I can continue being disgusted at his unprofessional tweets and brash comments. The man is lacking manners and manners make the man....
    terryfossil 1

    The people who hated obama said the same thing as you JH,,and it divides a country,.you guys should know better than any,Lincoln wanted to get rid of Slavery and unite the country,and your forefathers went out and killed each other over wars are terrible,civil wars are worse.. "united you stand and divided you fall",pretty good saying JH..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Divided we fall, how original. I'm not divided. I love America and all it brings and means. trump chooses sides. Some example. I repeat myself, I don't like the man-personally. And you can't make me....

    Apathy is what really happened. 17 to 18 percent of Americans wanted something different and that is exactly what they got.
    Voter turn out was low as usual and the Electoral College was the prize.
    In Bulgaria no one gives a flying fig about Donald Trump. There are probably a lot more countries just like that.
    In Canada, your Man provides entertainment.

    Very morbid entertainment. Most people are shutting the noise off now. It's exhausting and ------ (place your own word here).

    One more point. I, as a Canadian living right next door, am trying very hard to keep an open mind.
    Donald was nasty before the vote and now every single thing he says and does will be stamped into the books of history.

    The man is coming across as horrible.

    I do hope it does not appear to be beyond strange when this becomes something we have lived beyond. It is flipping strange.

    If, by "people", you mean President Trump, my answer is "no". He ran on a platform of "Make America Great, Again", and a weak nation that has no morals, values, limits, is not great. We saw years of decline in our military strength and support, a complete disregard of integrity by Attorney General Lynch, Secretary of State Clinton, DNC's Wasserman-Schultz, and behind-the-scenes B.S. that jeopardizes national security now. 

    A credible threat goes a long way in diffusing aggression. We need to be a credible threat. 

    terryfossil 1

    TU Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Thanks, Terry. I just read where a Democrat senator has "substantial proof" Obama provided aid to al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria.

    I don't think you are getting that right about now dear Bobette. The parts of the world who have the time to pay attention are wondering, "What the heck?" ... including Australia, America's best friend.
    People are really wondering why your country is so politically divided. USA is looking like the land of hate.

    .... just saying, not judging.

    The hatred and divisiveness is coming from the liberal media, and the democrats who refuse to accept a contractor from Queens as president. Many feel they have the right to riot on campus when a conservative has been scheduled to speak. The Demo leadership and lib media are still investigating Russian interference and collusion.
    I think the world of you, but I'm not buying the liberal press.

    We are watching our own news. The contractor from Queens appears completely ill equipped to sit in the chair.
    Sorry dear friend. That man is not respected globally. The talk about womens' genetailia and his Tweets, not to mention the daily drama. Donald is not a victim.

    Again, I apologize. Your President is unusual. .... Sorry multiplied by one thousand.

    A lot of your riots have begun as protests.

    I don't watch or read liberal news. We are taught early in Canada to understand the subject, observe history and never assume everything we read is actually the truth.

    Your thoughts and opinions are based on your observations and research. I respect your point of view.

    I do hope your political drama ends soon. The White House is for governing and respected world wide. I keep thinking to myself, "This is a glitch.". ... Not the man, just the drama.

    Double click again. :(
    terryfossil 1

    @ Bob,Trump is not hated worldwide,and he won the election,he is not your standard politician,oh hang on,he is not a politician and that is why he got elected,as i have said we have Pauline Hanson,and she is a lot like Trump,and in Aussie she is gaining a lot of power,as he continues to get things through congress,the more the split in voters will change,and you will always have those that will say,"but he is not obama",yesterdays newspaper..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Wow. ... Only one word. Glad Brietbart News feeds the intellectual Brainium inside the Crainium. The world is literally stunned.

    Actually, you'd all have to be here to grasp the depth of the liberal media's vendetta against President Trump, the blind rage of political "leaders" who are being held accountable, and the unreasonable hatred of conservative, liberal, socialist, and progressive nitwits in all walks of life who will say and do anything to bring America to its knees, because their superior candidates lost elections. Maybe he's not the smooth talker like some who pacified us in the past, with written speeches delivered without sincerity. When President Trump speaks or tweets, I know, rough and unpolished though it may be, he is speaking honestly and does care about USA. Given the alternative, we've got a home run hitter instead of a base stealer.
    You are all welcome to your opinions and observations, as I am mine (most of the time).
    terryfossil 1

    Bob.opinions are something everyone has,right or wrong in whoevers eyes,,they have a right to their opinion and a right to voice it..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Yes, everyone has an opinion, and, whether we agree or not, we need to be courteous and respectful, no matter what. And let's leave it there.
    terryfossil 1

    @ Bob.TU..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    It will happen if you guys really need an economic boost.  


    History has had a way of repeating it's self.  

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