    How did it come about that we have so many religions, and they all think they are the only true and right one?

    +3  Views: 991 Answers: 7 Posted: 6 years ago

    7 Answers has free will


    not if hes wife has anything to do with it ben he aint,,,lol,etc,


    My guess is they came about with the Tower of Bable. A thousand different languages are bound to come up with different ways to believe. Of course our way is the right way only. All else are abominations. To obtain the geeat rewards after life has gone wayside is a great motivator. All religions offer the same thing just about. One can choose either by free will, birthright or coherence. Some leave it up to you, some just sets the rules in stone. It's a toss up....

    Several people have decided that they have the right answer and it is to be shared with the world. They write books, make speeches, gather followers who convince more followers and first thing you, another religion is born. Which author do you believe? THAT is the question.

    terryfossil 1

    The one that preaches forgiveness without having to commit suicide to attain it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    A lot of religions are splinters from their original religion,,from the day you are born,it is in you to search for the truth,,hence the reason people move from one religion to another,,The bottom line is you choose the one you think is the right one,,and you have to be right because you get to find out at the end,,hence the reason people keep changing..As the song says "what is truth",,i believe i already know the answer for go find your own..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    Taking a course in world religions will shed a lot of light on why there are so many faiths, as well as divisions within each one, as well.

    MAN has a big influence in this of course, adding and taking away, (mis)interpreting along the way. 

    Some divisions in faith are tolerant of one another; in others, they've been at each other's throat for centuries.


    terryfossil 1

    There have been some bad things done in the name of christianity,but i do not believe they were following the teachings of Christ..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Like I said, a history class can clear up a lot of errant beliefs, the Crusades, for example.

    because they haven't noticed that Jesus was the only one to ever bring people back from the dead.......including himself. And Christianity is the only religion that teaches love.

    To each their own, and what a blessing that is.

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