    Prof. Detwyler, Universit of Delaware, stated that Otto Warmbier, got what he deserved. Really?

    <!--StartFragment-->Dettwyler argues that while in North Korea, "Warmbier had acted like a “spoiled, naive, arrogant U.S. college student who never had to face the consequences of his actions,” later describing him as having the “typical mindset of a lot of the young, white, rich, clueless males” she teaches." What do you think? It's pretty convincing that the "punishment didn't fit the crime".<!--EndFragment-->

    +5  Views: 770 Answers: 5 Posted: 6 years ago

    5 Answers

    I would sack this shiela from whatever job she was mistakenly given,take her outside hang her up by her thumbs for 2 hours,and should she pass after that,simply say she deserved it for the heartless and brainless comment for someone stealing and dying for stealing a propaganda poster.being murdered for stealing a poster.??????give me a break,the biggest crime he committed was being stupid enough to go to a bottom of the toilet country..there is a lot more i could say,but it would only be more of what i have already said..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    I could think of two appendages better than her thumbs mate.
    terryfossil 1

    AAHH yes Roy,the imagination of torture could work wonders,but you could not say it on AKA..:):):).>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....opinion: the punishment did not fit the crime

    ....treat others as you want to be treated the end, we will be forgiven as we forgave others

    After doing some research on the good professor, I've reached the conclusion that she is someone whose opinion is toxically subjective. "Rude, obnoxious, self-important, offensive" are words use repeatedly by students who rated her. Her comments about "rich, white boys" was more than enough to figure she likely was a social pariah during her youth. 

    We supposedly have the freedom of speech, so she can say what she wants. You don't have to like it or agree with her...

    ...and I don't.

    The professor is dumb@&&. What else would you expect from someone like that. Just like the Nebraska person saying that the congressman that got shot deserved it and wished he had died .  Best thing to do is not go to north korea. Bad things can happen when you scrounge around in the trash in other countries like that. 

    <Some words and sentences breaking rule #2 removed by Moderator CB>


    Agreed, don't go to North Korea, the foreign currency they receive is gold dust to the regime.

    I take exception to your words and the lumping altogether. You know I'm a liberal but I find it atrocious what happened and the consequence. And anyone getting shot is equally as bad. How dare you z? You're just h*** bent on knocking what you don't understand.....
    country bumpkin

    Zorro, you have broken rule #2 repeatedly within the past few months.
    Please re-read the rules and abide by them.
    Thank you
    Moderator CB
    country bumpkin

    Julie, do not use curse words on akaQA, you know the rules.
    Thank you
    Moderator CB
    terryfossil 1

    A fair enough opinion Zorro.TU.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    OK, CB . I will consider myself on probation and maybe return in three months. I should stop making fun of liberals . Time to go on an alaska cruise !
    country bumpkin

    Don't get smug, Julie, You missed the bit I deleted once again.

    I have no clue as to what you are asking about. What was the crime? Then what was the punishment? Who is "she"? I'm lost here but would love to know more. Take my mind in a different direction....

    country bumpkin

    If you really want to know then you should look it up, Julie or read Terry's link he provided. It's been one of the top stories in the news for days. That poor guy was only 22 years old.

    That wasn't posted when i read the question. It made me sick to my stomach that the boy was given 15 years for a childish act. Spoiled? No. He was a typical kid who failed to follow the foreign rules. Perhaps the crime wasn't emphasized. I dunno I do see why he would want the poster though. What a keepsake! We'll never know the whats and whys of the situation but heads should roll. That he died is especially another nail in their coffin.

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