    Is this an interesting point of view question..???????

    I was watching tv this morning and a mob of young women who were singers all had their hair cut down to a crewcut to get some money in support of a cancer cure..and the reporter asked them what sort of comments they got for their shaved heads,one said you look like a bowling ball,but another said"you look like a lesbian",this being said by the younger generation,not an older person as myself,now the gay mob have said they are the same as heterosexuals,except they are attracted to same i ask how can that be the only difference,i walk, talk,dress and act like a heterosexual,,so then why does one person of a gay couple try to act,talk and dress opposite to what they really are.if the only difference is their sexual it says in the song"what is truth"..This is not gay bashing,i am looking for understanding..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..   

    +3  Views: 782 Answers: 3 Posted: 6 years ago

    3 Answers

    Where is Colleen when we need her, personally I don't give a hoot, modern culture seemed strange to our parents and Grandparents many moons ago, same goes now, I see strange every day, I don't lose any sleep over it.


    terryfossil 1

    Yep,stranger and stranger,,right and wrong,white and black,good and bad,backward and forward,up and down,everything has an opposite,stranger and stranger does not,,just a thought Roy boy..:):):):)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    A very good friend of mine (good enough to share my Chicago experience with) is gay. Very. And he takes on no traits. Well, he likes things neat and straight (I drive him nuts) and his plants are beautiful. When riding together and passing a good looking man, we both look and drool. I ask him why/what makes a gay person flaming? And Mark can't say. It depends on the individual. I'd bet that 10% of all men you know or have known have been gay. My other neighbor is gay, has an ex-wife, daughter, three cars, hunting dogs, property in the country, all straight stuff. I guess I'm saying is you can't categorize all gays....

    terryfossil I am so happy you asked this question. I have been fascinated by gay people every since I first discovered that there was such an idea that people could be gay and were attracted to the same sex. I was about 14 when a guy friend told me about "gay" people.  So for many years I researched the topic, talked with people that were gay etc., etc.  When I first got out of college I worked as a counselor at a halfway house, in san Mateo, CA.  the girls and women came from jail and were chosen to do their time at the home. Some of the girls were gay. Some were simply in gay relationships while they were doing their jail time.  I talked with them about how did they become gay, etc.  People offered many reasons about why they were gay. After knowing and talking to many gay people I have my theories. But really it does not matter for this conversation.  My sister's daughter is gay and she dresses more like a boy and her girlfriend is very beautiful and feminine and dresses like a girl. Now my niece is a raving beauty too. When my niece first came out to our family, my sister cried and cried and cried and was in disbelief, that this happened to her daughter.  There were a lot of big parties we went to. At that time my niece brought a girl. They both dressed like girls. Both looked like Hollywood beauties. A whole football team wanted to marry my niece. And, a few Hollywood people still do. But, she was not interested because she told me she did not care to get involved with men in a physical manner. While at parties, guys would ask her and/or her girlfriend to dance. People could not see they were gay. My niece, sometimes, got upset and into arguments, when men tried to hit on or make a play on her girlfriend.  That was 20 years ago. Today she dresses like a boy and there is no question that she does not seek to attract men, only women.  I think we all dress to express how we feel inside.  That's the great thing about clothes and makeup, which I love. And less not forget how much people express themselves with t-shirts, cars and pets, and lots of other things.  People love to be appreciated for exactly who they truly are inside. I believe when we appreciate others, we give them such a great gift.  I learned that from kids. lol.

    terryfossil 1

    Thanks for putting in so much into you answer Tab,,to touch on a point of yours,In the beginning both women wore dresses and where gay,nobody would know the difference unless they pashed in public..but for one to attempt to look a bit like a man is to attempt to look like a hetersexual couple,that is like trying to deny she is a woman..Ian Thorpe is one of Australia;s greatest olympic swimmers,for years people were always asking him if he was gay,he always said no,and there was no boyfriend..but most Australians thought he was they are different,however i have no idea how they decide which one will accept the role of male or female..i find that mind boggeling,it is kinda like playing a hollywood part..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    terryfossil I don't think they were trying to fool people. I think it's more a message that 'this is me' a lot of females that wear male like clothes simply feel more comfortable. they are not really concerned about fooling anyone, especially in this day and age, of accepting people for people, not their sexual preference, or dress preference. 20 years ago it was a different girl friend. I believe she evolved into preferring male or uni-sex clothes. it's some mind boggeling fascinating stuff . . . humans.
    terryfossil 1

    You are right Tab,they are not trying to fool people,a woman in men's clothes still look like a woman,but maybe they want to be seen as the male side of the relationship..????.that would mean they are only fooling themselves,because people would simply see them as a woman in mens clothes,also admitting they are gay..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    terryfossil 1, that's what I like about this world we live in . . . you never have to be bored. We could ponder on topics like this forever, and may get the right answer and may not. have a great day or night.
    terryfossil 1

    Nice way to finish the comment Tab,While ever we are looking for the right answer,how can we get it not know what time of day or night it is where you are,but it is 3.02 pm 25-june- 2017..always nice talking Tabber..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

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