    Who makes war on kids?

    What kind of gutless wonder does it take to plant a nail bomb where it is mainly going to hurt & kill teeny boppers? I am appalled and everybody I know is appalled by this outrage in Manchester.There are many parents in that city waking up as I type this and wondering where they're kids are and if they are OK.My heart goes out to them.As an Aussie & a proud republican I will also take this opportunity to re-iterate our solidarity with our old mates,the Brits. there are are many,many people,parents,grandparents over here thinking of you all at this sad,sad time.

    +8  Views: 1445 Answers: 8 Posted: 6 years ago

    terryfossil 1

    As much as i agree with you Tom.the time for words are gone,it is time to do something about it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    8 Answers

    ....also, drug dealers hurt kids

    People who simply like killing Tom,,we have one over there who wants to come back to Australia after killing anybody and interesting read Tom.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Yes Tommy, it's unbelievable how any human being could do this, murdering 22 innocent people enjoying a night out, children included. It truly is a sad day.



    terryfossil 1

    Sunny, the elephant in the room is ?????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    A very disturbing incident by disturbed mind(s).       :((((

    Too often, it is kids/teens hurting other kids/teens. Those two who killed classmates at Columbine come immediately to mind. Some young person shot up a movie theatre full of young people. 

    People who are social outcasts in their peer group, someone who has been passed over in favor of another (think cheerleader competitions), and other devastating circumstances that destroy the fragile ego can lead to crimes of mass revenge. 

    It.s time for western leaders to stop pussy- footing around and to stop islamic state once and for all, by 'any' means necessary.

    terryfossil 1

    I am with you my friend..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Pres.Trump is trying to do that by stopping the number of people coming in from certain middle eastern countries.

    mycatsmom, stopping people from islamic countries is a waste of time as most of these cowards are born in the country they are trying to destroy...

    Believe me, the master minds behind all these actions are way, way,way and removed from the scene of all that's terrible. Their hands are proverbially clean. Orders come from way beyond, thru many filters to get the majority of atrocities accomplished. The doers are more often or not innocent. Threats towards families and loved ones prevail. Do this and die else your mother is raped and dipped in acid, your father castrated, your home and all it owns is stolen your wife tortured for hours, days before her throat is slit. Then you have the glory nuts that just follow the ideas. It's contagious. The why's and what for's is lost. Lost and still effective. Go after the masters above all.....

    terryfossil 1

    All good words JH,can you pinpoint any of the masters or groups to go after without being called racist..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    No, I cannot. Couldn't be much of a bad guy were his identity known. Geesh, the enemy is a smart, brilliant lot....
    terryfossil 1

    He was well known to the cops JH,they just took their eyes off of him for awhile..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    They put jagged pieces of metal in the pressure cooker bomb they blew up at the Boston Marathon.

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