    Right off the top of your head-no cheating.....

    ......can you name the four horsemen? Extra credit if you can share what each stands for.....

    +3  Views: 803 Answers: 4 Posted: 6 years ago

    4 Answers

    Pestilence, Famine, War & Death. - The Four Horseman.

    .... I can think of two: war and death memory is "pffttt" anymore 

    ""Vidal Sassoon, Kim Jung-Un, James Comey and Angela Merkel.


    at least it doesn't look like a wig

    Well thank you JH,first cab off the rank i have never heard of them,now i gotta go find out about them..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    Revelations. Good read. Jahova witnesses left a tract on the subject for me to read. I can't believe this is the first you've heard of them, seems like a fifth of all movies mentions the horsemen in some form or another.
    terryfossil 1

    AAAHH the biblical 4 horsman,yes i have heard of them,i have done some reading of the Jehova Witness mob JH,they do not impress me with their readings,they do not seem to stick to the bible,although it would be debatable..each to his own..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I like the witnesses as I used to follow them and can use that experience to get them to leave!
    terryfossil 1

    JH.their plan is to get you envolved in the debate,i do not allow them to get to the first question..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    How silly. Don't you enter a persuasive debate with both eyes opened and present it with the facts you know yourself? They are good. I invited a witness woman into my home just to hear their side of the story. She became one of my best friends, was first on the scene when I delivered my baby, was my source of strength and only spoke of her personal beliefs. She only stopped coming to see me, after 5 years, when she knew I would not commit. I learned to appreciate their values and beliefs. And they leave room for your questions. If I HAD to choose one religion only, I would be a witness.....
    terryfossil 1

    I will give her this JH,she was persistant,but left when you did not sign on the dotted line,however i think she got you,because you sound like you are in 2 minds..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    She got me because she was a remarkable woman. We parted because she couldn’t afford the time on me when I wasn’t converting. She had so many others to spread the word to. Two minds? No, I’m very self-assured when it come to what I do and don’t believe. And she’s always there when I need her. 20 years is a lot of time to invest.

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