    Are we too critical of police?

    +3  Views: 1130 Answers: 7 Posted: 7 years ago

    7 Answers

    Unfortunately some police are criminals hiding behind a badge. They wreak havoc for the honest members of the police force.  I'm supportive of law enforcement, but only for the officers who understand they are here to protect and serve  and who act in a manner that deserves respect

    ....a few bad apples and the media sensation have contributed to the hyper-criticism 

    ....they are needed more than they are appreciated 



    Yes. Criminals and their supporters blame others for their situations, so the 'cops' are targeted. They, the criminals, don't look inward.

    In 2016 in the USA there were 1,092 people killed by law enforcement: 169 were unarmed .... 20 were under the age of 18 .... 62 were female .... 37 were killed in custody .... 22 were killed by a taser. Given these statistics, how many do you feel were seriously injured? Why do plaintiffs often have to wait years for police dash-cam videos to be released? I have done extensive research in police brutality and can tell you there are MORE THAN A FEW bad apples in the bunch. BTW: I personally have  never had a bad reaction with the police, but I do know those that have.


    Assuming the stats are correct, it cannot be discerned from them as to how many were justified.For example, the ones who were unarmed, how many pointed a fake gun at the police, and were subsequently shot.As for my own experience, I was falsely arrested; the DA's office dropped the charges, after hounding me to cop a plea so they could "save face".A friend of mine is a police lieutenant; a cousin, a detective. I'd like to think that most cops are smart and good. My neighbor hit my parked car with hers; I saw it out my window. SHE called the police. One of the "Keystone Cops" sarcastically asked me if I'm always looking out the window! DUHHH!

    @Clonge: Every stat I quoted had at least one (and usually more) news agency story backing it up. The organization that compiled those facts in both 2015 and 2016 is not doing it in 2017 because "Now the FBI will do it". Of course the majority were justified but how many of the unjustified do we need to have before we are concerned. The cases you quoted about your dealings with police happen to others every day.

    We can be to critical yes,,but i believe there are more bad apples in the force than before,,however the guidelines in the police force are stronger,,<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>..

    Not necessarily. Especially with body cams these days, reports of lousy policing should be farther and fewer in between. Cops never liked me, why I don't get but I avoid anything to do with cops.....


    Why do you think that cops never liked you?
    terryfossil 1

    Maybe cops do not like people who do not like or trust them..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Like most humans?
    terryfossil 1

    Yes and no Duck,most of the general public do not have the power the cops have..if it is a good cop your sailing with the wind and everything is rosy,if it is a bad cop your high and dry on a reef and nothing you can do about it..i know that is not your opinion,but it is mine,as i have said to you before,we come from different sides of the fence..that's just life i guess..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I got busted for driving under the influence. They took me downtown where I blew clean and bled clean. They had to take me home after I changed my clothes. They even had me dressed down. They thought I was too gregarious to be sober. Even field tested me in front of god and everybody. And they wouldn't laugh at my jokes.....

    I have always been law abiding,  I know a few police offices, and I would only tell them what I want them to know. They would all shop there own grandmother,  I don't trust them too much.

    terryfossil 1

    I on the other hand was not always law abiding Sunny,though i am today.i came from the other side of the tracks,so i upset some cops unfairly,but quite a few of them treated me like you i do not trust them,but we do need them,you can imagine the conversation in our household when our son left the army to become a cop.however i do believe he was a good one,or maybe i simply just hope he was..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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