    OK, I've been studying bat houses and I need to move mine higher......

    ........that being said,  what do I do to convince the little mammals that the house is a home? How do I attract bats to their buildings? 

    +7  Views: 902 Answers: 10 Posted: 7 years ago

    10 Answers

    Maybe put a sign up that reads, Transylvania  motel, longest fangs win a free night. In brail of course, since bat's can't see. Other than that not a clue. We did have one in our old house though. Crafty little buggers.

    Always build in the belfry.....


    Why do you want to encourage them Julie, I suppose they are a bit cute, but they are also a bit creepy.



    Excellent for bug control and the poop is wonderful fertilizer. Our hours are different, I doubt I'll ever see any....

    The only advice I can offer you is the obvious one, don't bat an eyelid, sorry.

    If you build it, they will come. They are smart little buggers.

    ....make it resemble a cave

    infest the area with their favorite insects. 

    Turn on the Batman light to get an answer from him..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..Image result for The batman light photos

    Go outside and get on your broom. That's what I tell my mother. I will get a tennis ball and throw it up in air when I see some bats . They chase it down to me. Especially next to my mother. I tell her they will lay eggs in her hair. Other than that, don't do anything else. They will find it, if they are interested. That's pretty cool though !!


    Thanks, Z. They are pretty cool to see as well......

    Mean to your mom though...... lol

    She needs to be verbally abused everyday. She is in better health because her blood is circulating much better. That's is because I work to keep her active and argue with her. A year ago she had a hip replacement almost cancelled because her blood pressure was too low. I told the nurse to come back in 5 minutes. When she returned her blood pressure was up to normal. Only because I argued with her about being a democrat and voting for Obama, and about the sorry people that have the same values as her voting decisions. Playing dominos and phase 10 card games with my parents keep their blood pressure up and active. Doing pretty well for their mid 80's. She loves her hummingbirds and seeing the bats.

    Such a good son......

    Batter up or throw em in batter JH,,i hope you get it..?????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

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