    My kittens are getting fat.....

    I believe in free feeding. Are they eating so much because they were once wild and didn't know when/where the next meal would appear or should I just change their food? Is 8 mos old enough for adult food? They don't get snacks and their diet is grain free (better for their gums).....

    +9  Views: 635 Answers: 6 Posted: 7 years ago

    6 Answers

    Wait until they're a year old before changing the food up and if they are really fat especially in the belly it might be worms! So de-worm them just in case!! Do they go outside? Do they kill and eat mice or rats? This may be where worms may have come from if that's the issue!


    They came straight from the animal shelter where they had excellent care. I sincerely doubt they have worms. They are just pigs.....

    Great site here, should give you some guidelines...


    DangNation! I liked just keeping their bowls full!

    Dry food is good for all animals,,it helps to keep clean teeth and gums..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<..

    I've had more dogs than cats but for the one cat that I did have, I left dry (only) food out all the time. She never emptied the bowl and never got fat. She also came from the shelter.


    Thank you so much

    If you try this, let me know how it goes. Someone else who had had lots of cats, told me to do it this way.

    Oh, but they are so active at night, thumping through the midnight hours, eating my bamboo! I'd hate to let them starve during this active period.....

    So if you take my suggestion, why would that happen?

    Guess I was answering somebody else. I'm an idiot at times.

    Don't say things like that about yourself. Your brain believes it. :(

    Don't keep food out for them at night. When I did that, my cats got fat. So, I kept food out for them all day, but not at night.

    We give our cats a tin or packet of wet food between the two of them in the morning, another one tea time 5pm ish.  Then at bed time they have dry food, they stay in during the night.  Sometimes they have treats, flavoured biscuits,  or prawns. They also like a little fresh fish, and some of the white cod when we have fish and chips. They are older now, but we used to feed them simular when they were kittens, but smaller portions and more often.


    I would be really fat if I ate all of that! lol

    Well they have kept at a good weight, the vet has been saying for 13 years that their weight is OK, they always said don't let them get any heavier. Sinbad has been about 4.50 kg Wilma just on 4 kg. But suddenly Wilma has started loosing weight, even though she has been eating well. She had some tests, no obvious signs of anything nasty, now the vets want her to have some scans, we are a bit worried. Our cats are both 13 years old, not old old , but getting more senior.

    I've always wanted a cat for that long. 8 years is the longest then one night he didn't come home. Had adventures with Worthless......

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