    Are your dreams ever a glimpse into what's to come?

    Prophecy.  Are/have you?

    +5  Views: 710 Answers: 7 Posted: 7 years ago

    7 Answers

    On my wedding night I had this horrendous dream of being buried alive without a coffin and they put my guitar on top of me and stood round the hole waving bye-bye to me and throwing handfuls of dirt... I was trying desperately to scream .... but it was a dream. It was a portent of that crappy crappy lousy ridiculous fraud of a marriage and that the now ex would be the demise of my musical career. True.


    A frightening experincence..,But Lindys all right now,,

    LOLOL YES! I got divorced! lmbo

    it seemed that your unconscious mind was trying to tell you something, Lindi.

    Limbo is not creative fun.

    It is amazing how one person can kill so many intangible things.

    (I know exactly what you are saying) ... I have had very similar dreams with precisely the same results. I guess we are here to see it.

    LoL I'd like to exchange my ticket please ... oops too late!!

    :) never give up. Sell that ticket to a scalper and move on down the road.

    (I have The Wiz music stuck in my head ... It's painful!).

    I totally know how that can be coz I've had 'Alfie' [of all songs right?] stuck in my brain for like three days now Fishes so lemme tells ya baby ... [roaring in the ears insert here] wth? ALFIE!!!!

    mcm I was mortified and woke up with my mouth open like I was screaming or gasping for air ... it was definitely a portent you've got that right mama!

    New song stuck in my head! That is a tough song to sing.
    Thanks Lindi :)

    The last dream that I can remember, I was driving a golf cart, looking elsewhere and starting to fall over a cliff. Eeeeekkkk...


    I had an epiphany/dream on July 3, 2004, which clarified something holding my life in miserable limbo. 

    terryfossil 1

    Good thing they are only dreams Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    This would have been benign if actually happened. I consider it Heaven sent.

    Two angels showed me my husband. I consider that meditation Heaven sent.

    Heaven is for real

    It is true and it is right in front of you.

    Nope,only nightmares.>>>>>>><<<<<<...


    I hope they are not prophetic!! Yikes!
    terryfossil 1

    Not anymore Lindi..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....on occasion.

    .... I attribute those to prayers more than dreams.

    I saw my husband -to- be in my dreams. It was a dream where God was telling me that it was going to be a nice couple moving in upstairs from me instead of the nightmarish woman tenant that had just moved out. I could see what he looked like in my dream. They moved in and then she died a year later at 38 yrs old. 

    A few times,,

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