    Hilery questioned by the FBI

    Has she done something that serious.  Will you still vote for her.

    +7  Views: 728 Answers: 8 Posted: 7 years ago

    8 Answers

    I would rather vote for Monica Lewinsky. LOL


    Well, she has a stained record too but that's a totally different story.
    Oh, yeah... a belated happy birthday and congrats on your new million dollar akaqa appointment.
    Please be gentle on the "tilt" button. ;-)
    country bumpkin

    Sometimes it hard to swallow the truth! Thank you for the congrats and I'm usually gentle. :))

    You are not allowed to write something this funny.

    There are no squeaky clean candidates for the Presidency, never were, never will be, I don't fancy any of these two, maybe Boris will try there someday, maybe not.


    Political upheavals everywhere.

    He has better hair than the Donald...somewhat better.

    A bit better.

    It's all about the emails. Poor Americans this time around....two less than upstanding candidates from which to choose.     :(


    While Trump is not my preferred Repooplican candidate, may I ask what makes him as un-outstanding as the demoncrat? I'm curious for the "outside" observations.

    His big, obnoxious mouth! He also likes to incite the crowds. He also won't answer questions even if put to him in three or four different ways. He also thinks that anyone who questions him, is picking on him. Shall I go on? I KNOW that you think the same, simply because you are observing and listening.

    Yes, they both share those "qualities". If you had to choose.....?

    I'm pretty sure that I could not vote for "The Clinton Family" but Trump needs to tone it down. I cannot believe some of the things that come out of the man's mouth. Hard decision for sure. (Personally, I think I liked Marco Rubio the best.....intelligent and well spoken at the very least.)

    Ducky, both candidates are to be avoided but Rubio is just a cuter version of despicable.

    The only candidate without a hidden agenda was Bernie but he's too far ahead of his time in today's US political climate.
    I distrust any candidate that appeals to the Religious Right but if I had to trust one, other than Bernie, it would be Kasich. Unfortunately, that bus has passed.

    I quite liked Sanders too, seems he is too weak, shame.

    Don't be picking on "Little Marco". :)

    I can't help it because HE really DOES have small hands.

    But all men have a few flaws, right? :)

    Big hands make women overlook all other flaws.

    Ducky has left the building. No further comments are available at this time.

    Good think you're no longer the Mod. ;-)

    I know. I might have to suspend myself. :)

    The things I have heard about Benghazi alone are enough for me to want her out of any position of authority and responsibility. Americans serving our nation asked for help and were left to die. 

    Her email issue are serious, and she's "in bed" with a lot of people whose values and social mores are in conflict with traditional American values (mutilating young girls, honor killings being the tip o' the iceberg). America is not perfect, but doesn't need "more of the same" and worse than the Obama debacle. 

    I didn't like her when she ran for Senator, and I don't like her now. 



    If I were American I wouldn't vote for her either. I think Trumpty trump will tone down a bit once he is elected, he'll probably have to.

    It's nice to be in good company on this one, sunnyB
    terryfossil 1

    I think i would go with your comment Sunny,,watch this space..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I was actually told yesterday by an American Citizen that I know more about what is going on in your country than he does. He does not vote, none of his family members vote, his friends don't vote and no one has any intention of doing 'the voting thing'.
    He must be a Republican because he complained about Obama bitterly.
    He had many other opinions. Many. It was an exhausting experience in my home ... which he had no intention of respecting.

    Here is the deal. In Canada if we don't vote we don't get to complain. You guys have two sides, complaining happens all the time and a lot of you don't vote.

    Please weigh in. I would like to understand the concept. ... Not, the incredibly rude man... I have written him off. :D

    Voting is a privilege as well as a right. It can be lost with a felony conviction. It's a responsibility, should be taken seriously, and exercised with due diligence. We vote on our representatives as well as many bonds and potential laws. We get booklets in the mail enumerating all of them, with pro and con statements and costs of implementation.
    We get to complain, though, whether we vote or not. One problem with complaining is most don't direct the complaints to the elected people who are in a position to do something about it...not that any of them would, though. I contacted one of mine recently, and condemned him for his involvement in a chanting sitin at taxpayer expense.

    We take voting very seriously as well.
    I think you have more options up front and we can change things more easily after people are voted in. In Canada we are held accountable, which probably influences me greatly.

    I don't think our dinner guest represents Americans as a whole. It sickened me that he had little respect for anything including his own country.

    America really is an awesome blend of geography and people from nearly every walk of life. There are wonderful people doing wonderful things for themselves and the world, as well. Sad to say, the bigger the faux pas, the more the publicity, while the best parts of US go unnoticed.

    If I HAD to choose,  and I don't,  I would vote Hillary as she's running thr closest to my ideals. And all the bad press she's has piled in is just that,  bad press. Her enemies would be lacking in conviction otherwise. Trump frightens the poop out of me. He doesn't know how to play the game and that attracts a lotta lotta people. I'm not one if them. Who is bending the rules here? 


    You don't have to choose?
    Does that mean you're not voting?

    So, you're an advocate for partial birth abortions, selling infant parts salvaged from them.
    Clinton doesn't get "bad press". What we are hearing about her that you call "bad press" is actual actions and words generated by herself.

    Just shut up, Phyl and stop presuming how I think.

    I don't presume to know how you think or feel. I commented on your answer. It IS very stressful to be hounded on a worldwide website for your values and morals, which was done to me mercilessly for a long time, by you. In respect to the members of the site, and in consideration of our moderators, any comment made in response to your answers or comments will be "politically correct" from now on.

    If she has done something seriously wrong then they had better get on with it,,they have been trying to sink her for 2 years,if they have something on her ,then charge her,if not let her get on with her life.people cannot make an informed opinion about her with this hanging over her head.that is not good for the voting public of USA,,however in this world you have the high echelon of the public who think they have all the answers,then you have the middle public who are more likely to go with who the like,and then you have the average person on the street who live in the real world who will vote for people who talk about their world.and they are the majority,they are the simple laborers of this world who try to do the best they can with the little they have..and they are the ones that Trump appeals to because he is not a politician..and all the politicians do not give a damn about the average worker...>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..  


    Well said.

    One thing about the demoncrats is they'll circle their wagons around a skunk carcass if it's leftist.
    Repooplicans, as we see, have no such blind and dangerous lack of morality, which makes them almost seem to have integrity.
    terryfossil 1

    After my long winded answer above Bob, i will simply say,time will tell as Aussie is facing a similar problem..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    We aren't leaving anything overly optimistic for our grandchildren
    terryfossil 1

    Unless things change drastically Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    ....on akaQA again ?

    Boris said of Hillery that she look like a Sadisdic Nurse in a Mental Hospital..


    daily telegraph,,

    So does Boris!

    Yes i must agree Ted,,they are not like us normal types,,

    Upper upper Dougal, Upper upper!

    What,what,what, chaps.

    Boris, 'the all knowing' actually said that?
    I am thinking people in the public light should not speak out loud.

    Upper Upper is right.

    Boris has pulled out of the P/Ms job now Fish-O,,

    I read that. He seems like a bit of a coward to me.

    Makes a lot of noise, causes problems and goes back to his very lovely life. (That is what it looks like over here)

    I hope your economy does not fail.... really. You guys are kind of in a Bums Rush at the moment.

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