    Are you healthier this year than you were last year, or about the same?

    +1  Views: 636 Answers: 4 Posted: 8 years ago

    4 Answers

    I quit drinking a year ago due to the death of my sister. Well, pretty much (New York WAS a celebration...) Am I better for it? I'd like to think so.....

    terryfossil 1

    JH,i quit drinking 30 odd years ago,,and i am alive today because of it,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Did you lose weight? I did, 15 pounds. I have since found it again. Bob and I threw caution to the winds during our New York visit......
    terryfossil 1

    I was a drunk that did not eat much,and i was as skinny as a rake,,however 30 years on ,,i am now 101 kilos..>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    What turned you? Did you "hit" bottom? A serious drunk requires that special push. Yes, I'm nosey. I come from a family of serious drunks.....
    terryfossil 1

    Yeah JH, i was a serious drunk and pill popper,,in and out of institutions,hospitals and jails..had my gut pumped out 3 times in 2 weeks,,jumped in a river and ended up in intensive care..cut a long story short,ended up in a church,gave my life to Jesus,,30 odd years later, i own a car,a license,a house,married to a good wife,,A damn sight better than living in abandoned houses,under bridges or parks,,i also come from a family of drunks,,mother, father, brother,grandmother,grandfather,,,from both sides of the family,,i do not know who is alive or dead,,but i am sober for 30 odd years and that is thanks to God,,that is enough for me..due to my early life i am a bit different to a lot of other people,,but hey as i said,i am alive and sober,,they can take me or leave me as i am...Always nice talking JH..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Definitely not. Gained weight the two months my back was out, have more heartburn, and, if possible, am more sedentary.  

    I'm about the same, just a year older, and a bit more do lally

    We are all on a slippery slope now , we have to just enjoy as much life as we can.

    i got told last week i am a stage 2 diabetic,so no, gotta be going downhill..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    My father in law was that from 60 onwards. He lived to be 92. Keep going Terry, just be more careful what you eat, and exercise as much as you can.
    terryfossil 1

    TU Sunny,, with what i have done to my body in the past Sunny,i do not expect to make 92, but we will see how far i get.. I do 7 klms every afternoon on the exercise bike at level 3,,i will move that up every coupla weeks..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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