    What have you always wanted,,and did you get it,>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    +5  Views: 994 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    I don't know about "always", but for a long time,  I've wanted a Ford Mustang convertible. One day last spring, I went to a friend's, and just such a thing was sitting in their driveway. They'd told their friend they'd try to sell it for him. 

    Yes, I got the car a few days later. Good price. 


    And great car! Goes to exotic places……..

    Yep, got it. Two beautiful Grand Children.


    2 TUs for that one Pythy,:)

    see all my friends find a true lover, or at least somebody that they love, or somebody that loves them that they can appreciate.


    tabby, that's so unselfish of you.

    I always wanted a chemical test set. Never could mu folks afford such a thing so I made my own with potions of bleach and canola oil, black pepper and paprika. The salt varied in grades. Presto! A simple set that doesn’t make a thing………..


    I always wanted a chemistry set too, but everything I asked for, my mom said no. It's too expensive. We didn't have a swing set, or a sand box,anything in the back yard or many toys. Some of our toys were beat up and didn't work, b/c they used to belong to my cousins. My brother's tricycle was a wreck, b/c it belonged to my boy cousin first. My tricycle was a lot older looking than the other kids' trikes b/c it came from the 30s.....being that my girl cousin was 10 yrs older than me. I grew up without grandparents to help.

    To be able to sing like nobody's listening.To be able to dance like nobody's watching.Never got either.Dang!

    A 1966 red Ford Mustang


    Did you get it, and if so, on which side is the steering wheel (LOL)?

    YUP! Gotta be RED! go to heaven, not yet

    country bumpkin

    I won't make it.

    ....yes, through God's grace and mercy.

    I won't be going there.I wouldn't know anyone there anyway.

    ....fortunately, there is still time.
    ....thank and praise God.
    country bumpkin

    I was baptized, I believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible. This is why I don;t think I will go to hevan, because I have fallen away. I do not tell people anymore that I am praying for them, because according to the Bible, my prayers are no longer heard because I have fallen from Grace. No reason to pray when God nor Jesus listens to me.

    ....we can not out love God
    ....just ask, you will find Him
    ....and, don't ever give up

    the whole point of Jesus' teaching is that He will forgive you for falling away from Him and the he did David and Paul.........and Peter.
    country bumpkin

    Nope...We can all fall from his grace and there is a point of no return. It's mentioned in the Bible.

    Trust me CB,,you have NOT fallen from grace.You have heart big as Texas and you are a good person.If there is a heaven,you're going.
    terryfossil 1

    @ Benny that is the wish of all Christians..@ CB,Lots of people fall away from God,the part that counts is whether you fall back to God,always remember that when Jesus lived here he found it hard also.Faith is the big answer,Jesus told his decipels,greater are those who come after you,for they will believe in me having never seen me..this is another of my favorits,you were bought for a price and i will not lightly let you go..a bit of something to think about CB,and i hope it helps..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    The Bible says the only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

    I always wanted a house and finally got one at 43 b/c my late husband and I worked our a- - - - s   off. 

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