    Would you vote for Dr Ben Carson as president ?

    I may have asked this before , but I would consider him. I see him as intelligent and common sense, not a common politician. Maybe that's what we need. I don't think he is type of person to allow sharpton on White House grounds.

    +1  Views: 902 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    He's a very very smart man!  He has went through the hoops to get to where he is, brilliant and very successful.  he would make a great president I believe but he doesn't sell himself well, no power in his delivery, too casual.  I would like to see him in a heated debate.  especially with Hillary. 

    I don't think he would pull the black vote as they see him as successful therefore he is considered an 'Uncle Tom'.  Totally opposite of Sharptin of which the majority of blacks love him.   Unfortunately, I believe Sharptin would fare better.   Some may say I am making a racist statement, nope!  It's facts! 

    I would like to vote for Carson but I don't think he would get that far.


    "but he doesn't sell himself well, no power in his delivery, too casual."
    Exactly! I like the man too and have listened to him for years. But I find the same issues with him as you. I'm not sure he's strong enough to handle capitol hill and the WH. I'm hoping he shows more fire if he decides to run. I agree with you too on the Carson Vs Sharpton bit.

    I'm sorry. Ben Who? You should have included a link to educate dummies such as myself.......


    Some topics covered in politics. Below each are quotes taken from Ben's talks concerning each topic. There's a lot more here:

    Ben Carson on Abortion
    No abortion for convenience. (Jan 2014)
    The thought of abortion for convenience is repugnant. (Jan 2014)
    Persuaded mother of hydrocephalic baby to cancel abortion. (Jan 2012)

    On Civil Rights
    Underdog status is not determined any longer by race. (Feb 2014)
    Compassionate Action instead of Affirmative Action. (Feb 2014)
    Apologized for likening homosexuality to pedophilia. (Mar 2013)
    Marriage should not be extended to same-sex couples. (Mar 2013)
    1960s: experienced racism in inner-city Boston and Detroit. (Jan 2012)
    Reparations for WWII Japanese ok, but not for slavery. (Jan 2012)
    Not all black candidates share Obama's left-wing politics. (Jan 2012)
    Redefining marriage is slippery slope with disastrous ending. (Jan 2012)
    Legal binding relationship for gays to enjoy property rights. (Jan 2012)
    Free speech is wonderful, but hate speech causes actual harm. (Jan 2012)

    On Corporations
    Tithing teaches about not hoarding as capitalist greed. (Jan 2012)
    Highest corporate tax rate causes highest national debt. (Jan 2012)

    On Crime
    On Trayvon: It's not a perfect system, but is best we have. (Jul 2013)
    On "Stand Your Ground": Turn down the rhetoric. (Jul 2013)
    Imagine the mayhem if all police protection were removed. (Jan 2012)
    Motorcyclists not wearing helmets consume medical resources. (Jan 2012)
    Excessive litigation would end with "loser pays" arrangement. (Jan 2012)
    Stop politically-correct prejudice against blacks vs. whites. (Jan 2012)

    On Drugs
    Marijuana for medical use, but not for recreational use. (Jan 2014)
    Marijuana for medical use ok, but not recreational use. (Jan 2014)
    Religion kept me away from 1960s sex and drugs. (Jan 2012)
    Reducing blood alcohol limit to .02 reduces drunk driving. (Jan 2012)

    On Education
    School choice increases competitive nature of education. (Apr 2013)
    School choice increases competitive nature of education. (Apr 2013)
    Education worked for me; don't throw young people away. (Mar 2013)
    As child, mother required written book reports. (Jan 2012)
    Southern slaveowners knew education would empower slaves. (Jan 2012)
    Maintaining American pinnacle requires math, not athletics. (Jan 2012)
    Carson Scholars Fund: for humanitarian & superior academics. (Jan 2012)
    THINK BIG: Talent, Honesty, Insight, Nice, Knowledge.God. (Jan 2012)
    Carson Reading Rooms: 4,800 scholarships totaling $2 million. (Jan 2012)

    On Energy & Oil
    Petroleum independence would deprive terrorists of funding. (Jan 2012)
    Intelligently tap our own resources offshore & in Alaska. (Jan 2012)

    On Environment
    Native Americans casinos are justified, but not beneficial. (Jan 2012)
    Protecting environment logical for capitalists & socialists. (Jan 2012)

    On Foreign Policy
    Rome's decline began with immoral lifestyle; like in America. (Jan 2012)
    Freedom is why people come from Cuba to US, not vice versa. (Jan 2012)
    US poverty pales compared to billions in India & Africa. (Jan 2012)

    Homeland Security
    Roman Empire fell because military was stretched too thin. (Jan 2012)
    Ethical world leadership stops bullies with brutal force. (Jan 2012)
    Confront radical violent elements of all religions. (Jan 2012)

    Image result for ben carson
    Benjamin Solomon "Ben" Carson Sr. (born September 18, 1951) is an American author and retired neurosurgeon. He is the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins joined at the head. In 2008 he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George W. Bush. After delivering a widely publicized speech at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast, he became a popular conservative figure in political media for his views on social and political issues, and becoming close to being a Republican candidate for the 2016 presidential election.

    Oh. tks

    Yes, I would. I'm proud of him. He's from Michigan, and came from humble beginnings.There was no father in the home. He was on Oprah once and said their mother kept it a secret from the kids that she couldn't read, but  used to get them books( that she couldn't read )   from the library, b/c as working in white peoples homes as  maid, she told her kids that they( her employers )  had a lot of books and she often saw them reading to learn and expand their knowledge. So, Dr. Ben Carson studied in school, and worked himself up to become a Medical Doctor.


    A neurosurgeon. A bit more than just a medical doctor.
    He is the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins joined at the head.

    There is a true American idol

    I don't know if it was mentioned here- Didn't look. But please rent the movie 'Gifted Hands'. if you haven't already seen it. It's Ben Carson's life story. Played by Cuba Gooding.

    Thanks, I will do that.

    Only if he's a Muslim born in Kenya.

    Seems to be fairly lightweight on religion so that's good.


    From what I have read it seems my comment is wrong. This man is a creationist, a Seventh Day Adventist and a right-wing Republican, so should not hold public office. Though sadly, he probably will.



    This man is opposed to same sex marriage and has even said that Christian bakers might poison wedding cakes for gay marriages.
    He is clearly a crackpot thus ideal as a Republican candidate for US president.

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