    What does our" Constitution of The U.S.of America say about taxes?

    0  Views: 2097 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: taxes

    3 Answers

    Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution, is known as the Taxing and Spending Clause.[1] It is the clause that gives the federal government of the United States its power of taxation. Component parts of this clause are known as the General Welfare Clause[2] and the Uniformity Clause.

    The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

    No taxes on exports
    Article I, Section 9, Clause 5 provides a further limitation:
    “ No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.

    This provision was an important protection for the southern states secured during the Constitutional Convention.[39] With the grant of absolute power over foreign commerce given to the federal government, the states whose economies relied chiefly on exports realized that any tax laid by the new central government upon a single item of export would apply very unevenly amongst all the states and favor states which did not export that good.[40]

    In 1996, the Supreme Court held this provision prohibits Congress to tax any goods in export transit, and further forbids taxes on any services related to such export transit.[41]

    However, Congress may tax goods not in transit even though they are intended for export so long as the tax is not imposed solely for the reason that the good will be exported.[43] For example, a tax imposed on all medical supplies would be constitutional even though there is a likelihood a portion of those supplies will be exported.

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    Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

    The Sixteenth Amendment (Amendment XVI) to the United States Constitution allows the Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states or basing it on Census results. This amendment exempted income taxes from the constitutional requirements regarding direct taxes, after income taxes on rents, dividends, and interest were ruled to be direct taxes in Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. (1895). It was ratified on February 3, 1913.

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    Thank You, Colleen.

    I have been told that it states something like,(exact words is what I'm looking for):" All taxes shall come from "Imports and Exports" and "NOT" from the "Common People". "No" taxes shall come from the "Common" people. I think the second part I typed comes fist. Anybody? That taxes is something that was started as a "Voluntary" tax to help pay for the "WW-2", and was to be stopped at the end of the war. Then came, "Korean" war, and time passes, and here we are today. Is there any truth this statement?

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