    Gorge Coloney has been spoken for,What are byou ladies going to do now,?

    +7  Views: 1223 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    Who cares?   Give me Jake!!!   
    "" "" ""


    Now Bob, George is just the right age for me but Jake is far too young for you! LOL!!!

    As some of my cougar friends say-- "The sooner you get to them, the better chance you have of bringing them up right!!" Or upright!
    country bumpkin

    I'm all for "upright" clu!

    Sorry, Ducky, this man is just too cute for words. Look at that beautiful smile, those midnight blue eyes, that hair begging for my fingers to wander through....pant, pant, pant.

    @Bob, I must agree....very cute indeed! You and I are almost as bad as those "dirty old MEN" I make fun of. LOL!!

    Bob/PKB - he's is just deicious!!!:) You know what they say "I love you so much I could eat you. Just love it when I watch this guy and would you believe I do not know his name - well I guess other things to think about and look at like him:}

    Ducky, we are mature women with discerning taste.
    Poppy, this is Jake Gyllenhaal! Maggie is his sister. I like to think he is as nice in person as his photos suggest. :D

    Yep....mature and discerning. I like the sound of that. lol

    BOB/PKG - thanks for this I will look him up:)best to you and yours. Oh that Ducky - what's she like:)

    Bob/pkg - Got it - that memory thing - he was in "Broke Back Mountain".

    Yep, and he was every bit as good as Heath Ledger in that movie and never got a bit of accolades. Check him out in JARHEAD and OCTOBER SKY, for starters. He's awesome, along with too cute for words.

    Bob/PKB - Took the car for a service last week - do not know how this came up but talking about "Brokeback Mountain" - which is this guy (great film).
    How awful the guy who was in this with him - died - from ?suicide ?overdose. Heath Ledger - I thought it was this guy. Apparently, he was in a film "Batman" and isolated himself - to get into the role which apparently was weird. Often thought about the impact acting different roles can have on the actors and actress getting into the role.

    Ledger played "The Joker" in a very dark, disturbed film. You can "google" Heath Ledger and get a lot of information about him. Getting into a role is fine, but living it isn't a good idea....obviously.



    Thats just C/B ,What about the others?

    How did your eye apointment go Ted,?

    First operation in August Dougal, bl--dy NHS waiting list!
    country bumpkin

    He'll be totally blind before he has his first operation. The doc told him the cataract in his right eye will be as bad as the one in his left eye by the time he has surgery. :(

    My some-time boyfriend, Gary, does the same thing as Romeos. He ignore his cataract in his right eye, and goes around blind in that eye. Won't go to an opthomologist, to have it removed, b/c he says he " doesn't want someone cuttin' on his eye "

    ROMOS, my mom had cataracts in both eyes; the surgery was amazing (I got to watch), and her eyesight was actually better than before she even had cataracts.

    ROMOS - I notice you are talking "cataracts"? I have spoken of this before last year I had both cataracts removed -amazing - why I was blind in the right eye - driving the car - when my Ma was ill - did not know - these guys here talking of reading, magnifying glasses got me thinking. People who have laser surgery for their eyes are wasting their money i.e. short sight etc. if they are younger than 50+ years old. I was amazed how quickly the surgeons can remove these cataracts - in a matter of seconds - just amazing. Hope you are both well - I am watching the snooker yep love Ronnie O'Sullivan - followed him into Sainsburys once - next to where I was working in the East End - got his autograph on a parking ticking - a thing I rarely do - on here and feeding foxes, my cats plus strays - called multitasking but I feel like death surely this would feel better - had some sleep last night though.

    Poppy, I'm getting them sorted on August 22nd,NHS are SO busy.
    Hope you feel better soon.
    Apart from my cataracts CB and I are doing fine.


       Get the Duck Tape ready

    because Ducky isn't going

    to like hearing this.

    Watch your back Amal!




    It's so uncomfortable hanging here on this wall mourning the loss of George. :(
    country bumpkin

    At least it keeps you out of trouble.


    I cannot believe he chose HER over me!    :(((((



    I Think there is some quackery pokerier going on here,she cant paddle like me,

    Ducky - yeap - he sure got that wrong:)

    Just because I'm not a lawyer... :(

    Ducky, My feeling too. I had 3 days of mourning after I heard the news :-(

    hector5559  - oh yes - I have googled it and goggled it Picture in The Independent Newspaper - out today and lots of stuff. It says 'Engaged To London Lawyer' for human rights. She is 52yrs old that will be ten years his junior. I like him as an actor not to mention "the look" - Oh dear there will be broken hearts. I must read more. He once had a pop bellied pig which died and he was absolutely devastated - had him/her a long time too. Interesting - I may not have found out so soon." The Fantastic Mr Fox"  which is brilliant - has been on TV so many times this year. Just love the voice. 


    George is 52 and SHE (16 years his junior) is 36. I think SHE is waaaay too young for him! :(
    Notice that I only refer to "HER" as "SHE"!!

    Ducky - I am sure The Independent said she was 42yr in fact and he was 52yrs which is what I meant to say - not there now. You are right other sites say she is 36 years old. Yeap we need to look for reasons? Ducky - yes understood "SHE". Oh such devastating news.
    Incidentally - quote from Mark Twain: "Age is a matter of mind over matter, it doesn't matter" :)

    Ducky - further pains me to say - soooo beautiful and soooo brainy - huh!!! Just too much!!!

    I've tried to reach his heart, but I think I've really lost out this time. LOL!

    Ducky - believe me you have not missed out on much barring the looks, charm and so good at acting - there is more than you realize to this guy. And hush I know what you are thinking:)

    Awwww Poppy, do you know him? Go ahead and burst my bubble. Then, I can give up on my dream. :(

    Ducky Dear - sorry if I am bursting your bubble - you just hang onto this. No I do not know him - sort of know him in another way. Everyone is compatible with different people and if it's right - it works. You hang onto your dream. If you were to meet him I am sure it would continue to be Awwww and more:)

    Seriously, I wonder if it will last. She sure is different from those that he usually dates, so maybe they have a chance.

    Ducky - I have not seen any of his previous girlfriends - but seriously watch this space - I was going to say that.:) Have a feeling it will not be a bed of roses.

    My heart is broken (NOT)………...



    mine is .

    Oh, NO! What happened?

    I am sobbing! Little did I know that my friend Ducky was seeing him! Sob! Sob!   I did not even get a goodbye gift! Alas and alack!!!


    I was only WISHING to be seeing him. I couldn't get his attention and now.... :(((((

    he wont be gone long girls, he prefers to sleep with pigs,,,it's all about choice...........................................always nice talking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    There's one back there for me. I going back someday.

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