    What is the average distance between a persons eyes? When I see people with eyes that seem close together I am suspicious of them. Is there a meausurement?

     Or is it all an optical illusion?

    +3  Views: 745 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

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    Suspicion based on eye position? I'm suspicious if they have only ONE eye and it's in the middle of their forehead!

    When their eyes seem too close together, move closer to them.

    When their eyes seem too far apart, try backing away.

    It's your problem.

    When I was a child, I had a friend who's eyes were only 1/2 inch in front of his ears. Ironically though, he's the only person who could see what I was saying ;)



    in the 60s, my uncle used to say that Jackie Kennedy wasn't attractive b/c her eyes were set too far apart. And my sister-in -law said her little nephew's eyes were so far apart that people said he looked cross- eyed, but he wasn't .He grew into them anyway.

    Wait, I was cross-eyed!  When I was a kid, I could almost see around the corner, they were so crossed!  A patch did not help, but surgery did.  Now, when I am tired the weaker one strays in a bit.  Students sometimes did not know if I was talking to them, I would make light of it when they looked confused.  I would explain the situation and they later learned that that wonky eye had a mind of its own, nothing to be surprised at!  So they were never suspicious of me, I hope!!

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