    Have you ever "Blocked" someone?

    My sister has been sending me some really unpleasant text messages.  I don't respond; the point of her communication is to be hateful and angry. 
    When I woke up two days ago to 14 messages waiting for me from her (and I didn't get to sleep until after 2 A.M. so we are talking obsessed on her part), that was it for me.  I called my cell provider and blocked every number of which she usually has access: her cell, home, work, son, and husband.  
    Going on Day 2 of peace.   

    Have you ever had someone bothering you so much that you needed to block their calls or get a restraining order?  

    +7  Views: 882 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    Good for you Bob..I`d do the same! XX

    6 Answers

    NO, I'm never that rude, but I have been blocked, CHILDISH IMO!


    I'll email you some of the content. You decide who is rude.

    Isn't it wonderful how much I don't care?

    ROMOS, you have given a strong response. Why is it rude?

    @sawali, I am who I am, anyone who knows me "knows me", anyone who doesn't I DGAF about!
    terryfossil 1

    you have a way with word's romos

    ROMOS you seem to have an attitude problem. You must back up your answer with some substance without which it`s value is ZERO.

    Sawali, you might not like the smell of my "substance"!
    As I said, I'm not rude!
    terryfossil 1

    Romos?? (substance )??????????i am getting a wee bit worried here mate,,the moderators could step in here,,,,,,,,,nice commenting mate,,,( substance )?????

    I can explain rude in one simple sentence. My daughter told her Grandmother today that she can not visit her family because they don't have room.

    That is rude.

    I did not raise a child to be rude. Apparently I did.

    No sofa for Grandma?

    Nothing. This is the woman, my Mother, who always sends cards, presents and has bank accounts that she piles money into for the great grandchildren. My Mom is devastated.

    My daughter has tipped the fish on rude.

    I imagine that my mother will continue with what she has always done and only engage in one more conversation with my eldest child. My mother does not have any other option other than being herself. ... :) And she is so ticked off.!

    So sorry for you and your mom, Fish-O. That is certainly not behavior we expect from our children. Sadly, once they can speak for themselves, we're aren't always pleased with what comes out of their mouths. :(

    Not blocked anyone but was more than happy to install caller ID on my phone, when it had only recently become available. I was able to "ignore" those phone calls without missing  important ones.  BTW, I don't blame you. That is what I would call harassment!


    Thanks, Ducky. It's been rough reading through the rant to see if there's anything I need to know. I've "locked" all the messages, just in case. Sometimes our words DO come back to bite us on the behind. Hers may (I wish I could say honestly I hoped NOT...)

    Family member sometimes make us sigh. :(

    No, I usually ignore the calls I don’t want. My nephew blocked me on FB, pooh on him…….. I don’t blame you one bit. It must be bugging you to have to resort to such actions……...


    Your nephew has a lot to learn about finding out the truth before taking foolish actions.

    Yes I have.  Sad and true and for the same reasons.  You are giving yourself a time out.  Good for you.


    Productivity is useful.  Negativity is not.


    so far i have only blocked people on skype,,,i sometimes get strange females with strange names from south africa wanting me to add them to my contacts,,i always block em,,


    You have taken the right steps to get peace although she is your sister.  Just curious why would she do such a thing?  

    Get some rest!







    Thank you! It is a long story that has to do with some misunderstanding about my parents' estate. She thinks I am trying to hoodwink her son out of something and I think she and her son are trying to hoodwink my sons out of what my parents left to them. Months ago, I hired an attorney to provide a petition for clarification and she is mad, possibly because she finally consulted an attorney and (s)he told her the petition was fair and honest.

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