    When you were a kid, what was your favorite toy to play with? What's your favorite now?

    +5  Views: 852 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers


    Barbie and Matchbox cars were my favorite. I usually played with my barbies when I was alone, but my aunt and I used to play with our cars for hours.  



    One of my guy friends in elementary school collected Matchbox Cars. It always made a birthday gift VERY easy to give. :D
    Our little city had a toy store, the owner being David Bagdasarian's brother (David Seville of Alvin, Simon, and Theodore/CHIPMUNKS fame). Every time there was new Barbie stuff, Harry (Harry's Toy Store, Selma's Happiest Corner) would call my dad to tell him and Dad would put us in the car, drive to town, and buy whatever Harry showed him. Spoiled to the n-th degree, with stuff.
    country bumpkin

    How lucky for you! (*~*)

    I never played with dolls. I thought they were boring. I liked my books and my bicycle and my baseball bat and ball. I still like my books but I traded the baseball for a golf ball.   :)


    I was a tomboy too.But, I still played with dolls somewhat.Do little girls still play with dolls ? My step grandaughter didn't , and neither did my neice.

    I sure wasn't a tomboy. I was very shy and my bicycle and books, took me away by myself. A friend of mine got me interested in playing ball and I loved it.

    As a kid, I had a wonderful collection of Barbie stuff (still have the game and the first car. Our dolls and all their clothes were stolen).  I loved playing sports (volleyball, basketball, softball) in elementary/junior high years.  
    As an adult, it would be remiss of me to say anything except my bowling equipment. 

    country bumpkin

    I had a big Barbie collection too. So much fun!

    "" This doll here was my favorite, her name was Velvet and she had a sister named Chrissy.You could make their hair grow by pressing a button on their back. 

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane.


    Yeah..we had a similar one called "Toots"..she had the same hair button sister gave her a short back and sides about a week after we got her!:-0...My Grandma was so mad at her!!LOL.

    Sad and true, not so much now though.
    They're worth a fortune.



    ROMOS seems great to me that you played with action toys.

    Had them all,if only I'd kept them boxed!
    I'd be a MILLIONAIRE!

    ROMOS action figures were always fascinating to me. I loved that so many came in plastic packages. i think i liked working with kids so i could play with all these sorts of toys and talk about em with the kids, and name them. what a great fun life.

    Yep. been , seen, done.
    IF ONLY?

    ROMOS i think we all could say 'if only' as time keeps moving on, but when a million is involved it's really IF ONLY!


    I keep hoping!

    I loved my pogo stick, I was very, very good. I’d still use one if I could find one that would hold me……….


    I have one in the garage. Haven't given it up because I keep thinking one of my sons will want it. I'll ask them one more time and send it to you if they say no.


    I liked pogo stick and my stilts.

    pogo stick was fascinating to me too.

    W/o using my hands, I could kick it up into the air and jump right on it and away up the street……….

    They could make that into an Olympic sport nowadays. Your aka supporters could watch you take the gold. :)

    julie, I can't even imagine what you did! I can barely get 3 jumps.

    Your stick is big enough to hold an adult?

    It is pretty substantial.

    I liked doll houses. Still LOVE houses and have lived in many types all over California/

    I liked my pen and good quality paper and I loved painting.and drawing.  I'm still the same.I liked to play with my friends and my dolls. I longed to have a large family but it didn't happen so I opened our home to other people's children. I had a daycare/preschool for most of my HAR  working years.

    Olf course I played doctor/nurse games/Grew up and worked for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons for a couple of years - not good where the bandages were involved.

    I used my Mom's typewriter and wanted to work for a newspaper like her and my dad. I did that too.

    That was an eye-opening experiment, tabber. Oh yes, I liked basketball and running ... Had a beautiful track right by our house when I grew up. 


    itsmee fantastic stuff. one thing i like too is, paper, pens and color. i've been drawing since kindergarten, where all of the kids in my class would ask me to draw them a picture. i'm not a great artist, but i love to draw faces. It's a hobby for me and relaxing.

    me too,Tabby. And I still like to color with crayons. It's relaxing :-)

    My mom wouldn't buy me Lincoln Logs, or Mr. Potato Head,or anything I asked for. I wanted the doll that was trendy at the time called " Betsy Wetsy "  and  " Tiny Tears "  but no such luck. I wanted a pedal car so bad. She always said "  No, it costs too much "  Ditto for my dad. I wanted a transister radio and he said he went into a store to look at them, and " do you know how much they cost !??  10 dollars !! "  Then, he turned on his heal and walked out of my room.......b/c  $10 was a lot of money in the '50s


    mycatsmom you're a funny woman! i know how you feel. my parents could not afford a lot of toys and clothes and shoes their 8 kids wanted either. my sister was always upset about it and she she grew up she married two wealthy men and had a 100,000 a year job at sony as a tech writer. money was very important to her. it did not bother me as much because my mom always made sure we were having some type of fun and learning.

    tabber, you are the far richer person. Your mom spent time with you and showed you how to have a good time with your siblings and without expensive stuff. Even though we had a lot of stuff, one of MY favorite games involved a stick and the vineyard. We had another one that was total imagination (and a milkman running around my cousin's property one rainy morning fearing his father had been kidnapped...a funny story).

    bob/pkb thanks!

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