    Gay marriage in Scotland? You bet, come on over, you're welcome...........

    The more the merrier, guid tae see yae!



    +6  Views: 858 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    Maybe I took this the wrong way.Ith thith a propothal THWEETIE?

    Thertainly not, I'm thpoken for.

    6 Answers

    It's coming here too.but it's not an issue that I have ever been concerned with.These days the trend seems to be away from marriage gay or not. The new term "Partner" gives it all away.So many couples living together WITH CHILDREN, marriage in general appears to be of secondary importance.


    Never been a big thing with me, but such is life...Hmfff!
    terryfossil 1

    Tommyh,,marriage to me is the full commitment,, partners are simply shacking up,,,differance of opion Tom,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    and away we go again Romos,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Good on Scotland! 

    State by state, the US is getting there. If the US Supreme Court rules against Utah's version of prop 8, then that opens the doors for all states to have to remove their laws against gay marriage. Hopefully in the next 6 months or so, the USA will be the 18th country to make same sex marriage legal. 


    Took a while,churches still against it though.
    The law has been passed by parliament,no come back for the church.

    Many churches here do not agree either but that's OK. They do not have to have ceremonies for gay marriages. No one will make them do that. There are plenty of churches that do offer gay marriage ceremonies. It's the licence that is important and a church marriage is only a ceremony without the state marriage license. I think gays are OK with the number of churches that do offer a ceremony.
    terryfossil 1

    churches are changing their preachings to satisfy the people,but i doubt God would be happy with preachers changing the word of God,,,,,always good to talk guys,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Man has been changing the word of God for centuries. Man has interpreting God's word in his own way for just as long. What's yet another interpretation? I do not believe they are changing the world of God. I believe they are celebrating love, accepting without judgment and understanding humanity which is something that God asks us to do. If God deems them to be wrong for treating humans as humans, then that is between them and God.
    terryfossil 1

    hi Colleen,just an observation,,but if you do not believe the bible,,how can you know what God ask's us to do.??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nice talking...

    How can you verify that the words in the bible are God's? You can't. It's all faith.
    terryfossil 1

    it is more than faith colleen,but unless you have cannot explain it,,thats what makes it special....................................

    So you're saying because I'm not a Christian, I can't have faith? Does Christianity own the word faith like it's followers believe it owns the word marriage? Because I've had many a Christian tell me that in debates. They truly believe that marriage is a Christian word.
    terryfossil 1

    Colleen, lets give an opinion on one question at a time,the word FAITH anybody can have,the question is ,will it help you or can it help you,when you go to AA,they ask you to choose a power greater than yourself,Drunks dont like or believe in God,so they choose a chair leg or a tram as their higher power,of course objects with no power or thoughts cannot help you,however if they have done the 12 steps of AA correctly,by the time they get to steps 10 or 11,they come to believe in God the creator.Actually by then it is just common do what you will with the word FAITH.Now does marriage belong to anyone,the bible speaks of marriage,a disciple asks Jesus "should i not be married to follow you"and he answered,if you cannot control your emotions it is best you be married,marriage to a man and a woman to procreate was the original design.notice they are can marry 2 pieces of wood together in a dovetail joint,again opposites ,you can marry 2 colors together. again opposites..the homosexual mob have taken the word gay from it's original meaning to cover who they they should choose a word that suits same sex marriage,not opposites marriage..any way Colleen,,always glad to have a civilized debate with you ,,,,,

    I feel I WAS giving an opinion to one question at a time. I questioned you about your interpretation of faith. You've now gone off target from the faith I thought we were talking about. I don't know about the drunks you know, but the alcoholics I've known in my life have believed in God. They just didn't trust him. Yes, they lacked faith but they did believe in a higher power.

    As for opposites in people...that really applies only to the physical world. I believe Soul itself has no gender. Soul loves Soul, gender is just what Soul is attracted to by design in the physical world, which I believe is God's design. Yes, I believe God created the homosexual too for His own reason. I believe that before male and female, the original people were hermaphrodites. They could love who they wanted without that pesky gender boundary. We should go back to that then we could rid people of their prejudice about homosexuals. Soul could be free to love Soul without someone telling them it's wrong.

    Yes, it takes male and female to procreate but that was really only most important back in the early beginnings of mankind when man needed to populate the earth. Christ would have preached procreation back then. Today, he would say, love who you will. He never preached against homosexuality. He never said it was bad. This I am allowed to believe out of free will. We are well populated now. It's not so important anymore that everyone get together and breed. It's not something that needs to be held against homosexuals anymore.

    The straight people who do not like homosexuals turned gay in to a derogatory word. "That's so gay" when referring to something bad. We all use words at will and change their meaning to suit our needs. The word gay has been used for homosexuals since as far back as the 19th century.
    I think it's time to let it go and get over the fact that it can also mean a homosexual. The heterosexuals use it to speak about homosexuals as much as the homosexuals themselves do.

    Separate but equal does no work. They did try to use a different word. They called it a legal union but the straights didn't understand that legal union is the same as marriage and continued to discriminate against legally unionized (sounds stupid to boot) homosexuals and would not apply the benefits of marriage to them, so it is now gay marriage because everyone understands the word marriage and all that it entails.
    terryfossil 1

    do not fully agree,but your answer is yours,and a fair one,next question girl,it took me ages to type what i wrote,and you answered it almost before i finished,and dont you guys ever sleep over there,it is 1.43pm here,what is it over your place,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    It's 10:57 pm here. I'm a night owl. Oh, and I'm a fast typer. Have to be to do all the typing I do here ;)

    I’m not gay and am pretty much spoken for, can I come anyhow?


    Everyone welcome Jules, you'd even have a free place to stay.

    Surely people must realise that gay marriage is the cause of all the bad weather recently.


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