    Do you have a phobia? My psychologist says everyone has one. His is heights. Mine is driving.


    +8  Views: 799 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago

    itsmee, Did you start driving as a teenager, or later on ?

    11 Answers


    1. Escalators!  Stepping onto a  descending escalator frightens the bejeebers out of me! If you want to see tears of fear streaming down a woman's face then all you have to do is take a glimpse of me while I'm standing at the top of the escalator trying to muster up enough courage to take that first step.

    2. "Pop open" cardboard biscuit cans frighten me! I'm referring to the   biscuit cans that have raw biscuit dough or cinnamon rolls in them such as the Pillsbury brand, the type that while the wrapper is being pulled off the can the can pops opens or you have to get the tip of a spoon and press it against the tin to make it pop open.    To this very day, I  extend my arm out away from my body as far as I can an turn my face away while I'm unrolling it and as soon as it bursts open, I jump and lose my breath for a moment.   This is no joke!  

                                   I think I would rather take the escalator.


    Whatever would happen if, while you were on the escalator, the Pillsbury Dough Boy jumped on there with you? LOL!!
    (Oh sorry...didn't mean to make fun of you...uh...yes I did.)
    country bumpkin

    Longest escalator in the world Don! LOL... You wont catch me near it!
    Ducky that would be hilarious to see at least I know Roy and you would have a gut buster!

    I'd be placed inside a straight jacket!


    I rather enjoyed your description of the biscuit can. I'm brave with the can. Doesn't bother me one bit ... and so many other things do. : )

    I've ALWAYS wondered if other people were afraid of the escalator. I am. Everyone else looks so brave and assured.

    @CB...You know that Roy and I would NEVER laugh at you! (Phhtttt...) :))

    Oh, we know you and Roy, Ms. Ducky. You'd take CB by the hand and talk her through it.........NOT. Roy would bring out the biscuit can. : )

    country bumpkin

    LOL LOL LOL, You're correct Itsmee this is what ROMOS and Ducky will do if they get the chance! They pick on me constantly, pick-pick-pick! Waaahhh Waaahhh!

    I'll speak on behalf of both of us CB. We're really, really sorry for picking on you, really we are! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!

    I'm jumping on the nearest escalator and blowing this soda pop stand! My sides hurt and I'm not gonna say why.
    There there, Country Bumpkin. There there. pat pat pat.


    Just hang on tight to the railing on the escalator, CB

    and let go when it's time for you to get off, cb!
    country bumpkin

    I love to have a great laugh like this one with the aka members. Thanks for asking this question Itsmee and thanks for the great responses too.

    I can’t think of a thing that actually scares me. I’m afraid I guess of waking up and my roommate not doing so, I’m afraid of “could happens”………...


    @DD...LOL!! (Not making fun of your phobia Julie.)

    "Could happen," Happens!

    Donny boy.ROTFLMFAO!!

    Driving through mountain roads....especially when there are no guard rails. YIKES!!


    Helpful advice! lol
    country bumpkin


    That is scary!
    I'd be taking my half down the middle.

    Don't tell anyone but I thought my husband would have to go to the E R. He had trouble catching his breath. He turned white. The only solution would be for me to drive. NOOOO! We pulled over for a while. a long while.

    If it happens again, we'll take the middle. : )

    That's just plain old good caution,Ducky

    I have a phobia of phobias!


    There are a lot of them. How are you with public speaking? (I don't mean in the classroom) I think I read that Public Speaking is the #1 fear.

    It IS the number one fear itsmee, and my dream would be to speak in front of 1,000 people, but only if I had something important to say. :)

    I actually was scheduled to speak in front of a huge group. I was a NO SHOW. Not cool, Ducky. I had something important to say ... wanted to sell a book.
    I'm not sure if you WANT to speak with something important to say or if you do NOT want to speak.

    See above. Edited my comment for clarity.

    Got it, Ducky.

    I am pretty good, as long as I can stay on target. Sometimes when asked a question, I go too much in depth. This is me being a teacher, always been that way, even before the career.. I would not make a good politician, as I speak my mind, and usually do not always tell you what you want to hear, but what I think. I have been on committees for various things, and have said, "do not ask me to be on this committee, unless you want to hear what I have to say, not necessarily just YES as all answers...

    I have the same problem bustione. You want my opinion? Okay get ready...I may disagree with you. I have no use for people who then become "your enemy" because you "dared" NOT to back them up! Never been accused of being a "yes-man". lol

    OK, don't laugh......OK??????

    I can't stand "cotton wool" the feel of it, the sight of it, GIVES ME THE CREEPS!!!!




    I am not laughin, guy. I feel the same way about velvet, cheap paper, and cheap cloth. (Don't know what it's called) Good demonstrate of your phobia!! I rather like how it might feel .... : )
    country bumpkin

    LOL....He really can't stand it! I used to ship him gifts packed inside of cotton wool just to see him cringe on skype when he opened his packages. (*~*)

    ROFL ....I just caught this on the way out ...For shame CB.

    I feel the same about cheap tiolet paper.

    ssssst Don ,,, You got me laughing' !

    O..oo..kkkkaaaayyyyy...I won't laugh. I won't. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Oops.

    Rats, they make me shudder. I could never touch one, I don't know how people manage to let them crawl over them. 


    During student teaching our class had a white rat. It was clean and everything. When my class was being observed I knew that I could bring out the rat and they'd behave themselves. I was more afraid of being observed than I was of the rat.....actually, it was only the long long tail that bothered me <shudder>

    Yes itsmee, it may be the tail that's the problem, became I don't mind hamsters or guinea pigs.

    rats do it to me too. we had to hold and 'friendly' white rats in college, for experiments. I wore big gloves and still could not do it. I asked the other kids to friendly my rat for me. They scare me to death. I think the thing about the plague did it for me.

    tabber ...
    Can you look at them on TV or in a magazine? I'm afraid of another animal and cannot look at it AT ALL. I can not even think of it or say it. Bye for now...I've scared myself.

    The strange thing is, I have to look at them, when I go to the pet shop, I always have to go and look at them , can't help it.

    It's probably something like a scary movie or book, sunny? Here I am back in my scary place but now I'm going to to an even scarier place:

    and the rat's tail is hairless too.I wonder what purpose that serves.
    My cats' tails have pretty colored hair on them.

    i don't like flying.  Too many problem with airplanes.  Too many pilot errors. Too many things the mechanics missed. Too many wanting to blow up planes.  I don't like driving on bay area freeways at night. Reason:  too many cars in bay area and people are now dropping everything on freeway. i have seen lawn chairs, love seats, mattress, etc.  I  call 911 when i see something on freeway, but i am particular about  driving under certain conditions.  30,000 are killed every year on American roads. Be careful.


    I know a man who is 84. He doesn't drive. He flies his own Moony airplane. . (I'm not making this up) Well, I suppose he DRIVES to the store. I doubt that anyone would see him flying into supermarket.

    itsmee some say we are better off flying than driving, from a safety standpoint. i have been in a few car accidents and survived, but its harder to survive those drops out of the sky.

    I've never been in an accident except when I didn't know how to back pedal to put on my brakes as I flew down the hill with Carol on our bikes. Mom thought I had become a woman that day from the injury I sustained. I was ok and still intact. Gosh it was scary. I can still hear Carol scream .... SUSAN SUSAN SUSAN PEDAL BACKWARD. BACKWARD. I ran into some waiting bushes and my 10 year old me was just fine the next day.

    itsmee last April 2013 an 18 year old girl ran into the back of my car. It was ten to 3:00 and she was rushing on the freeway to get to her job by 3:00. I spoke to her dad & he said their insurance would pay for everything. I spend 4 days a week at chiropractor for 6 weeks. My back is better now. Kids need 5000 hours of practice driving before they are let loose on the road alone, according to a training officer, that gave driver's training on a job i worked at. A friend i know who runs an Allied Driving School, told me most people would benefit the public if they had a driver's training class. He also said the insurance companies pay some of the cost for traffic school, when people get tickets. They feel more driver's training reduces death on the road, and less they (insurance companies) have to pay out.

    You will just have to take the bus with Colleen then.She won't fly either.Sez her arms get too tired or something.

    Maybe if Colleen lifted weights for a couple of weeks she would build up muscle strength in her arms so she could fly. I wish her my best.

    Mine is claustrophobia.I can't stand confined spaces.


    I understand. I have claustrophobia of the feet. I have several pair of sandals. In the winter I wear the with tights. I do have a pair of boots and I wear them to big time occasions. Hate em. But they look kinda good.

    Spiders, centipedes,roaches.- - -- -mainly spiders. eeekkkkkk !!


    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! My friend was driving the other day. She saw a web going from her sweater to the steering wheel. She went to brush the web away and her hand landed on a black spider with a red dot on it.
    She safely pulled over and screamed cuss words her kids had NEVER EVER heard. I mentioned that it might be a Black Window that she had brushed away. She said the minute she got home she went to her computer and looked it up. It was NOT a Black Window. She's kinda afraid to drive now. We have something to chat about.
    I'm afraid of snakes. I know I told you that. I am kinda a phobic personal Dang. So are you. : ) So sorry. Really.

    Embarrassed to say - Arachnophobia including their webs.:)

    country bumpkin

    I've seen some pictures of the spider invasion Australia, I'd be wearing full metal armor if I lived there. (*~*) This gives me the creeps!

    bulletman: I wanted to give you a TU but I messed up. Will you let me know if I gave you a TD and I will try to fix it again.
    Did you see my comment about my friend who brushed away a black spider with a red dot while she was driving. You'd enjoy that one for sure.
    cb: I knew nothing about the spider invasion in Australia. It's wise of you to wear full metal armor. I should send armor to my Australian son and daughter-in-law. SPIDER INVASION IN AUSTRALIA. EEEEEEEE!

    OMG! My husband is pushing me out the door. We're outta toothpaste and stuff. I saw the first link. Will I have the nerve to go further? SCARY, CB. I'll send it to our son....or my husband will. eeeeeeeee
    Country Bumpkin: I showed your Australian Spider Invasion links to some family members who were not afraid of spiders. Now, I report that my entire family is Aracnaphobic! eeeeeeee

    itmee your last comment tickled me. It reminded me of a little girl i use to babysit when i was twelve. She was about 6 0r 7. Well anyway i had hole in the t-shirt i was wearing. That scared her to death. It was the funniest thing to me, but not to her.
    country bumpkin

    Tabber and Don that's funny.

    Ohhhhh Don .... Scary! Did you get up, smash it with toilet paper and flush it. FLUSH IT TWICE!

    tabber ~ The little girl who was scared of a hole in a tee shirt had an unusual phobia. Very. I wonder if she grew up - excuse the word ~ perfectly normal? : )

    Don ... After spraying and swatting did you just let him die there ... and dry there ... or what? : )



    Thank you for your yes, yanyan marian. Now can you say what scares you. A wolf? A bear? Fire?

    Ladies with only one boot on,

    Ladies with no boots on?

    Hector ... ROFL. I'm afraid to say why! (Maybe I should know? Perhaps everybody knows?

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