    Would the USA be better off if every state was completely independent (ISA instead of USA) :-)

    With the dollar remaining in place of course. how mucky do you think it would get? ;-)

    +2  Views: 408 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    No. It would cause too many problems with each state having it's own form of government that might be completely opposite of it's surrounding state. Can you imagine the small state to state wars this may create? We'd look like the mid east with all the skirmishes going on. What would happen to the states that do not have natural resources to sustain itself? No farming, no oil, no timber, etc.

    A democratic republic is the best form of government as long as it is not abused by the government personal elected into office by the people. 


    Grit Savage

    kinda like europe you mean :-)
    just reading up about various states passing laws or in the process of passing them to stop federal interference in a number of areas ie- spying on citizens, regulating guns, free speech etc etc, basically stopping the buggers from taking away most of the constitution.

    And for that, we need ALL states to work together. These same states need to start forcing their congressmen to do their jobs or get them out of office. Divided states would allow all sorts of corruption in each state. We would truly have no rights then.

    No, it is better as is.


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