    The best thing about my dad is/was ....

    fathers ...

    +7  Views: 854 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago




    People really liked him. I guess he had Charisma. At his funeral he had all kinds of people from those high in government to those low in the streets, He laughed easy and was handsomel

    He would always take me to basketball games, football games, and plays. He'd sit with my mother and I'd sit with my friends.

    Once a month or so he'd take me out to a "fancy" dinner - just the two of us.

    He had another side too but I won't go into Alcoholism here.

    7 Answers

    He landed in this country from Scotland at the age of 18.Set to work immediately cutting sugar cane (By hand) in the North Queensland heat.20 tons per day.For 20 seasons.He was a big man but it took it's toll on him.He died too young (65).


    Dads who do their jobs and protect their families in that way are so great. Sometimes I think people overlook the difficulty of hard work and how it takes men (and women) too early. My dad died at age 65 also. I was sitting on the summer house porch and talking to him - just him and me. He told me he'd be gone by age 65, He was 64 when he told me that sad news.

    I thought he had told everyone. When he died at age 65 I wasn't surprised. It's odd that I was the only one in the family who he'd given that information to. Kinda haunts me, Tommy.

    Yes it does haunt Itsmee.My Dad knew it was coming too.

    Gave me a little chill there thinking of your dad and my summer porch discussion.

    He was the greatest, most understanding person in my entire life...was ALWAYS there for me, no matter what. Greatly missed by many. Every one that knew him also agrees.


    We who had great dads are truly blessed.

    Being alive for the first 7 years of my life.

    Had a very good war career, proud man, MY DAD!

    country bumpkin

    I would have been humbled and honored to have met your parents. I know you didn't have many years to spend with your dad, but the memories you have shared with me about your mother I hold near and dear to my heart and I would have loved to call her mom.

    Romos,sorry he died when you were only 7. But, glad you have good memories of him.

    I would liked to have met your dad.

    My step dad raised me and instilled good manners in me. He was a gentleman………..


    It's good to hear something positive about a step parent b/c they always get a bad rap.

    Was- He loved me and protected me  I miss him still. Some of my family do not share these thoughts- They think he abandoned us!


    He did not abandon you, cpu. You have good memories. People can be so harsh about their relatives and their expectations of them.

    He wasn't around , they had their problems. I don't blame either of them for that.


    Me either, the life of a commercial fisherman, out to sea for 2 wks, back for 2 days is not conducive to marriage or family!

    My dad was humble. He died in 2001 and people STILL tell me what a wonderful person he was.  

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