    The best thing about my mom was ....

    mothers ... love ... 

    +7  Views: 623 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    That she raised 6 kids alone, and all were/are functional successful citizens.  Also, that she made us learn to do without, and what to do with!  We fixed cars, built an addition on the house, grew food, plants and animals, dug wells, built a fireplace from some found materials, and many other things.  She was tough, and had to be, since she was often at end of her wits. 


    Mothers like that are rare these days. You and your siblings were lucky.

    She's a great cook among many other great things a great mother should be...too much to mention here...I'd be typing all night...long story short...I love and respect everything about her...(except she made me eat all my potatoes before I could leave the table!)


    Did she make you finish your greens? That was my moms rule. No problem though, I loved them. But not Kale.
    I like your "long story short"

    She worked a LOT.

    I miss her still.


    I sure feel it from your words, ROMOS. I miss my mom too. We always will, I think.

    She could for 7 and it was good,, something new every night. And she had an unforgettable accent…….

    She was generous.


    You were (are) lucky. My mom always complained about my lust for new clothes.

    My mom was generous, but she complained about everything and everyone. If she decided she didn't like you, she was extremely rude. On more than one occasion, she LITERALLY grabbed someone she disliked and harshly ushered the person out the door. The last time, she was 94 and the woman outweighed her at least 2x.
    In retrospect, maybe she wasn't as generous as I thought...

    She was honest and hard working, and raised us mostly on her own.


    It sounds like you had a good mom. : )

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