    why do some people go on a date before they really get into a relationship?

    +3  Views: 907 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    How else are they gonna find out if the other is time worthy…….?

    nice, nice

    wat other time i don't understand wat u mean do u mean IF the time is worthy!

    Wait a few years……...
    nice, nice

    but some doesn't even wait a few years they get intimate immediately!

    You are confusing “date” with “sex”……...
    nice, nice

    my fault sorry wat i meant was like why a date first why do people always go on a date or something first! everyone does that why?

    “Dating” is how one gets to know another right off the bat. strangers date, couple go beyond just dating…………..
    nice, nice

    so dating is like how u get to know someone better! that's wat you're saying? btw, where u from?

    Maybe they can get married and date afterwards?

    Yes, you get to know one another and the other’s personality. I’m in Austin, Texas……..
    nice, nice

    wow texas so u put up your real name and stuff like that on the internet!
    nice, nice

    if u going and sleep then good night u can txt me in the evening around 4pm because i take class okay good night!

    Goodnight, Sweetie, and for the record, this site is not a chat room.Stick around and you’ll get to know us all!

    Patience Julie.Patience. :)

    Too tired my precious Tommy……..

    Well done for trying Julie, she sounds like she's too young or too thick to understand.

    Thank you, sunny……..
    nice, nice

    hi jhharlan what's up?

    Hey nice, nice, - you really do have the wrong name - stop sounding so naive - You do not understand what a date means - please. Apart from getting to know another person - a date is going to a place which is mutually separate and safe ground hopefully. You are generalized far too much with these kind of comments "get intimate immediately" just not appropriate as you know. Let's hope it is not too late for you to grow up as you said - and while you are doing so do you think you could learn to write better English - I am sure you could as you are so good at the text speak - I think that's what it is called. There was no need to speak so badly to Julie.

    A date is a time for people to enjoy activities together such as a movie, sporting event, dance, meal, picnic/hike, bicycling, playing tennis, and so on.  During the time together, they talk and discover if they have an attraction on multiple levels.  Generally, I think people are first attracted to each other physically.  By going on dates, they can get to know the PERSON and perhaps be attracted to him/her on intellectual, social, spiritual levels as well.  


    Perhaps they could go ten pin bowling,and they might strike it off together,

    Exactly! That's one of my favorite dates...just had an invite last night. :D

    Gr,Grr,Grrr,Sorry Bob,that was William,my bulldog,must need his Walkies

    yelp! * whimper * crash. Dieszal and Tess just knocked over their water dispense again (Two gallons of water...maybe they are horses with sharp teeth?)

    Just a nice thing to do I guess. Beats sitting at home watching the tellie.


    But what if gunsmoke is on,??

    You could tape Gunsmoke,then watch it later when you come home.Good excuse to ask your date to come in for a coffee.

    It's how you get to know someone, when your grown up you'll understand. If it's not too late of course.

    nice, nice

    it's never to late with me!

    a lot of people get to know people by dating.  Then some decide if they want a relationship after a date or two or three or four.

    nice, nice

    nice answer! thanks for taking the time to answer my question!

    nice, nice - Why there you go I just knew you knew all the time. Well done you.

    Sometimes because of the pressure of seeing their friends dating..they don`t want to feel left out!..Maybe they love the idea of being in love but it don`t always work like that!!:-0

    how else do you get into a relationship without meeting someone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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