    what is the stupidest thing ever happened to u?

    +3  Views: 970 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    This question has now been locked due to comments getting out of hand.Things need to calm down.

    7 Answers

    I tricked my husband to be into taking me out for a date…………...

    Hellooooo nice, nice!


    Can't honestly chit chat as to what was the stupidest thing that ever happened to me.  Primarily because life is a journey.  The smartest and most brilliant thing that I have ever done was writing a questionnaire to my future husband on a bright orange piece of paper... pen included.  That one genius, lightening bolt type of idea asking about a Mustang (the car)... and being aware enough to notice a tremendous man ... brilliance times one million ... or infinity if you prefer.    The very best day of my life was when our son was born.

    A person can wallow in stupid all day long.  The gloriousness of life feels so much better.

    I wish you 'awareness'.


    Have yourself a glorious one!


    The Fish



    nice, nice

    hi and thanks!

    Hi back and you are very welcome.
    nice, nice

    so u like this site!

    I like a lot of the people. Some are truly special.
    nice, nice

    like u yourself! anyways how do u like romos!?

    Romos is a great friend.
    nice, nice

    and do u like colleen! i don't like her i love her!

    I don't know her. ... not actually.
    nice, nice

    but u do talk to her, right?!
    nice, nice

    i mean via comments u don't at all? well i do and she sounds like a very trustable person!

    Life is a journey.
    nice, nice

    and! what else nothing else?!

    Giving advice or commenting on others is not something someone should do unless of course one wishes to be judged as they judge.

    Huh?? Is this the same Fishlet or is there another?..How can you say you don`t know Colleen???...Have you lost your memory..I remember when you used to be on great speaking terms with her!!!..I`m not getting at you..I don`t know what`s happened whilst I`ve been away...but I think it`s very sad to not acknowledge that you know her..If I`m not mistaken you`ve both been here since the site opened!...Life is WAY to short!..Please don`t be this way!..This site is all about good and happy millie

    I don't know Colleen. I don't know you either. Never have I spent one single time in space 'knowing you' or her, as, has actually been true and real.

    Augmentation is a term which is known to people who spend time making things. .... It does not work when spending time with others who are not pure.

    Don't pick a fight.

    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Your sincerely 'pal' Fishlet with ones, twos and threes added.


    Clean slates are from where good karma flows.
    Hello Le'Feesh! May your water continue to be clear, swim free my friend ;)

    Clean water. :) ... Thank you Le' Fig.

    Calm water... palms up. The Universe is abundant and filled with joy, love and pure energy.

    Ok Fishlet..No am so not out to pick a fight!..I just sense that I`ve come back to some sort of war zone..things seem so different since I was last here and I`d love to see things as good as they were!..I wish you good Karma. Millie x

    What are you speaking of Millie....? I am not involved with any war zone. I am not saying one single thing that would cause any person any negative energy in any way. I had an incident with someone who has spoken to me on this forum in a detrimental way many times over .... which of course... I ended up being the person in the wrong as per usual.

    Rant away Chicky Chicky.... I don't give a flying flip.

    One spit of information.... Make sure what you know is real.

    Palms up ... I imagine this is bait. (Changed the spelling due to where you reside.)

    Oh and by the by ..... my membership has been hacked... can't report it as .... who the flipping heck would believe me? No one.... Chicky Chicky.... never beat a person up based on what someone else thinks. We have never had one single conversation except making sure someone found you when it really mattered. The last thing that I am is a piece of garbage.

    Peace out!

    I took prescription sedatives and became addicted to very ill and nearly died..causing a lot of distress to my family don`t get much more stupid than that!!...Lesson learned the hardest way possible!

    i was sacked by a supermarket Distribution Center after 17 years service , the reason for the sacking ??, unsafe forklift operator ,,however i did not hit anything,did not drop anything,,did not break anything,,and on my separation certificate they  wrote the reason for dismissal was (other? ) ,,so they took 17 years to decide i was an unsafe forklift operator,,,if they were to be right,, i would sack them for incompetence for putting the rest of the workforce in danger from me,,,,,it knocked me for six,,however i now have a job with another Distribution  center as a forklift operator ,,,now that has gotta be the stupidest thing  i have ever had happen to me,,thanks for listening,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    Yikes! Look out! Look out! :)

    Well I don't know what is being said / but 3 answers? from 1 person is weird!!


    clu.....Just letting you know those 3 answers have been deleted.
    terryfossil 1

    hi clu,how do you know there was 3 answers here,that are not here now,,just trying to learn mate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Hi Terry. There were 3 answers here from the same person 4 days ago when clu posted her answer.Like I said, they have been removed by me as they were non helpful answers to the question.(In other words, some one was just using the forum as a playground.)
    terryfossil 1

    gotcha Pythonlover and thanks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



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    Did "australie" spill something on you or something?
    terryfossil 1

    were you upset by an Aussie,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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