    why do some people not take elationships seriously?

    why do some people not take relationships seriously?

    +2  Views: 1060 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers

    People don't take relationships seriously because leaving them doesn't have the negative connotation it did fifty years ago.  Look at the divorce rate, just for starters. Fidelity has been a thing of the past since the "Love Generation" of the 1960's encouraged us to "love the one you're with", which could be someone different two hours from now. 

    I don't take a relationship seriously if the guy is expecting me to have sex with him by the third time we see each other.  I honestly didn't believe that was some standard until it started happening to me. No thanks.  I'm not under contract!!!

    nice, nice

    preach it preach it because some men yes some men is like that! so preach it!

    Oh, Don, I'm not bitter, but I'm not a romantic anymore. It makes me very sad to see the way relationships are taken for granted and people don't really care about each other beyond what they can get out of one another (status, sex, drugs, money, whatever).
    nice, nice

    what kind of conversion are u all having?!

    Don, there are a lot of greedy, deceitful, selfish people in the world, and many of them are quite charming. Their "sheep's clothing" fits them like their own skin....for a while.

    Most who don't take relationships seriously are either too young or too immature to be in one in the first place.


    How are you coping with the cold Ducky?

    We're pretty used to cold weather here Tommy, but for sure, it's colder than usual and we have more snow than usual as well. Right now the temp. at 10PM, is -18*C/-4*F and that, believe it or not, is a little warmer than it has been. We have good snow removal equipment and lots of it, block heaters to plug in our cars at night, and lots of warm clothing. Layering that clothing is the secret to staying warm outside. Some here, LOVE this weather...the skiers, the snowmobilers, the ice fisherman. Not really my thing anymore...mostly for the younger ones! :)

    Ducky sounds a nightmare - I am just not good at the geography. Where are you? I keep meaning to do the geography thing as you do.You keep warm - better is the cold is dry like in Sweden.x

    I'm in Canada. I've heard expressions "dry cold" and "damp cold". I'm here to tell you, when it's below freezing in any kind of cold, it's COLD!!!! Brrrrrrrr....... lol

    Ducky - sure it is cold - but they have a dry cold in Sweden (less than 20degreesC) - I was there for some time and the cold is drier than UK and doen't quite get into the bones the same. Maybe I just thought this - I have said this before somewhere and yes it's cold.
    nice, nice

    i think so!

    Because being in a (relationship) is too emotionally hard for the average young person  these days!  Can you text me? Maybe we can hook up?   You have to really meet and greet a person to have a relationship!


    So, this won't work? :)

    clu - yes communication nowadays is pretty poor - so little body language - being 70% of communication. All the technology lets people off - they do not need to commit behind a cell phone. Big subject relationships HUH. Emotionally hard because they do not go through the motions in their mind.

    clu ~ I think you said that so well. I knew it but I didn't have words for it.

    I believe when one runs into a person that get the sparks flying and they like the way the person looks, and they enjoy very much the interactions they have with the person, and the start to feel even better about themselves, they might say, "Hey, I could really enjoy being with this person.  I really want, truly want this person."  It happens.  Even tho today it seems likes a lot of push to 'singleness' is also a big thing.

    nice, nice

    love wat u said that is true it really has a lot of single people out there! BTW where do u live i live in NY and u?

    sunny California, the beautiful silicon valley.
    terryfossil 1

    what does BTW stand for
    nice, nice

    it means BY THE WAY!

    tabber - your answer is lovely - yes it does happen and Hey it is amazing when it does.

    I do notice that "staying single" and relying "on myself" is very stylish these days. I wonder if it has anything to do with people having a lack of commitment and wanting more material things? :(

    because they 're not looking for a serious relationship.

    Do you mean "relationships" or "elationships" as in email relationships?


    And then ... elation ships could be a totally different thing. Perhaps ships for honeymooners. : )

    Maybe they want to play the field a bit before settling down..Maybe they fear being tied down too early or at all...Maybe they`re just not that into you..or relationships in general..some want to just focus on their career ...that`s a few reasons I can think what Bob/PKB said..things are much easier these days to not commit!

    because it is a throw away society,,and nothing lasts forever syndrome,,and your word is your bond,,or supposed to be,"like the one your with thing" has always been there,but then you found you liked them that much you went and married them,,,that's when the real relationship starts,,and in this day and age ,people find it hard to make a commitment,,that has to involve somebody else besides themselves,, nice talking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    terryfossil 1 - it is so all about self sadly.

    DonDowningJr. You are so very right. I have always known this and not really understood it - more so in recent years - It would seem once they take their vows or even have that piece of paper - it just changes the relationship - of course and mainly to do with commitment. I do find it strange but so often it seems to be a foregone conclusion - You just know somehow most of the marriages just will not last - such a shame - what happened? They got married. Oh just read your statistics re divorce - where were you in the 1950's. In the UK divorce rates have never been as much as 50%. - even nowadays divorce rates are said to be just over 33% not forgetting though that I feel there is a lot of pressure these days from every which way - this I feel should be taken into consideration. Yes and there has always been pressures but there is something about nowadays that is so all consuming in many ways.

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