    Do you blow-dry your hair?

    I just started and haven’t figured it out……...

    +3  Views: 907 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers

    Yes I do, if I don't, my hair will remain drab looking.Blow drying gives it a boost.

    Can't you tell?  ""


    sign of virility. lol

    LOL . who is that ?

    Maybe Donald Trump on a bad hair day. lol.

    No, never had, even when i had past shoulder length ( much younger then), always let it dry naturally, still do, i still have all my hair and colour too, properly why my wife divorced me, she was going grey. lol.


    Jealousy is a terrible thing, isn't it? lol

    If I did, I would give my scalp 3rd degree burns, as there is little cover upon it! 

    Yes, I do. And here are the steps for doing to blow the hair

    1. Wash your hair.

    2.Towel off your hair slightly, just enough to stop dripping.

    3.Separate your hair into sections

    4.Start blow drying at the top/roots, about six inches away from your scalp. 

    5.Work your way down, and remember to move the blow dryer around, again, so nothing burns.

    6.Leave your hair a little bit damp.


    7. Finish with a blast of cold air, to lock in shine.


    I’ll do it your way……..

    He said it very well.

    Wonderful, Ted. I’m getting used to it……!

    I do but I have no technique....just turn the dryer on and point it at my head.    :)


    Turns you into a 'fluffy' Duck. :)

    Umm...that would be Fluffy Ducky! :)

    No Julie, I haven't got enough to comb let alone blow dry. lol

    Very seldom, Julie, because my hair breaks easily and is color-treated. (A hairdresser literally BURNED my hair about 2 1/2 years ago) I used to wash it EVERY day, but am getting to the almost every third day (sometimes).  I used conditioner EVERY time when I shower, whether or not I shampoo my hair.  I even use a leave-in conditioner after I use the rinse-out conditioner.  
    Another very good reason I don't use a blow dryer very often is because I don't know how to style my hair with the blow dryer either.  1Ted gave easy instructions, so some day when I have that kind of TIME, I'll try it, too.


    I tried Ted’s suggestion and it almost worked, I need more practice……..

    It sounds like the right way, that's for sure. I've been without style for years. When I was in my early 30's a "friend" sent me to her stylist for help. The first thing the stylist said was, "Now, let's see; you're Lynn's friend who doesn't know how to comb her hair, right?"

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