    I received my brother's Christmas letter three days ago. I haven't opened it. He speaks of the important people he knows. His plane. His awesome abilities. I've been getting these damn letters for years. This year I don't want to open it. Should I?

    My Christmas plans are not good this year. I wish I had a river I could skate away on. I suffer envy, I do know that. However, no matter how wonderful I was I'd NEVER  send correspondence like that to anyone. Ever. (I held the letter up to the light to see if there was a check enclosed. Don't see one. Tsk Tsk Tsk for shame of me) 


    +2  Views: 655 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    Check your e-mail please.

    i'm not even sure I can receive e-mail. Do you know something I don't know? : ) He wrote a stamped letter.

    You're online. You can receive e-mails.

    Send me an e-mail, please. I'm trying to get my computer problems straightened out so I've been there A LOT since 4:30 AM. It's about 7:30 AM. My eyes are blackened holes and I'm wildly tired. I'll check my email many times today. K? I may take this computer back ~ making me crazy.

    6 Answers

    If you're absolutely sure there's no check in it, BIN IT!

    That sounds like good kindling for the fire that you need to sit by and enjoy your Christmas with a drink...  Get him a recording of his own best hits for a gift.  Sounds like an Obama gift to the Queen of England to me...  Merry Christmas! 


    Love it : )
    I wish you a happy christmas. I've no doubt wished you that same thing before but you just can't say it enough.
    I like you and how you talk.

    why thanks, little lady! Do you like me talking like a cowboy? Merry Christmas to you Its...

    I like the way your spurs jingle and the way you lope.

    You should see me sleeping standing up! And I have a buck or two when needed, often whinny when I need something, and a smooth gallop...


    I have relations who boast and bragg, I just listen to them and  take the p... they don't realise I'm doing it because they are too much up their own ar.......  Don't let it bother you, or send a letter back to him telling him what a wonderful life your having. But if it's going to spoil your Christmas by opening it , just bin it or burn it.

    It's his life and he's sharing the highlights with you (and whoever else gets the letter). It may depress you because, as you say, you suffer from jealousy, but do you honestly resent that he has his life?  
    I sent a letter at Christmas for years, summarizing what the family had enjoyed and endured during the year, and I always tried to keep it low key and humble.  Many commented on how they enjoyed them (some letters ended up as poems!)  
    It was difficult the first year my ex was gone and my kids were out of control. That year was a poem, part of which said, "Fine, you'll be doing hard time", in reference to some of the stuff the two older ones were doing.  I never lied to make everything seem perfect. I have saved copies of every letter for my sons to have and read some day (if they are so inclined) :D 
    I say OPEN IT and READ IT, and be thankful you have a sibling!  For every friend he mentions, think of us, for every accomplishment he mentions, look at all your karma points, and for his airplane, well, think about the new computer you plan to get! 



    LOL ...I have the new computer. I hang out with you guys and at the Genius Bar instead of taking my computer driving lessons on this "piece of work" Yurkle!
    Your Christmas letter would NEVER be like his. Never ever in a hundred years. What a great idea to share them with your sons when the time comes. It's not too late to write one this year, you know. Make it a New Year's letter. I might try that myself. Really. You did a good job with your mother's life story. You've got it in ya! Writers are people who need to live twice!
    I've decided to bin it but it isn't a fete accompli yet. Maybe ...

    :D A letter to each of my sons might be a good idea this Christmas, not that I'd give it to them!
    IF you read the letter, just know that it's going to be the same old, same old...PROBABLY. As we get older, though, sometimes our priorities change. You never know what MAY be in that letter....(Just don't expect too much)

    Si tu hermano es talentoso es por que tiene mucho trabajo y le  a costado esfuesos. Deberias valorarlo y si tienes tiempo para vivir sin tanto en que ocuparte no te recientas. Disfruta tu tiempo libre. 


    Translated this answer from Clencapasity for itsmee. > If your brother is talented is because it has a lot of work and you esfuesos side. You should appreciate it and if you have time to live without both you do not take care Recent co. Enjoy your time.

    Thank you P.L. This answer confused me. Clencapasity: Thank you for your comments. I do appreciate his ability. There's more to the story ... as things always are.



    OK? Should I open it? Or not.

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