    who is beutiful here

    who are u

    +3  Views: 893 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers

    I've made many, many friends on this site and not one of them are ugly else they wouldn't be friends./////


    I Thought i sent you to your room,????O,L,L

    The word is spelled beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Who is beautiful is dependant on your perseption. As for who we are, this is akaQA, a worldwide general question and answer forum. We are a help forum assisting people who need answers on varied topics. Welcome and please ask questions only one time. I've deleted your repeats of this question. Lastly, this is not a dating site. 


    Col, Your 2nd line is what my mom always said.She said her mom said that.

    It's a well known and well used phrase. It's been around since the 3rd century BC.

    Of course I wouldn't say a word, but I see a word spelled incorrectly. : )

    I'm sure you do. Spell check is not working to catch typos but this guy asked the question 3X and spelled beautiful differently each time. Was just showing him how to spell the word.

    Jennifer Anniston drops by to answer questions. We all are beautiful including her.

    My mother thought I was gorgeous and naturally, mothers don't lie to their kids. they?

    Curiously enough, no one else has ever seconded her opinion.


    I think you're absolutely gorgeous, dahlink

    My red horns turn you on, don't they ?

    You have no clue.....mmmmmmm
    country bumpkin

    Digger, I think Bob wants you to bring your old avatar back. (*~*)

    Which one? What's wrong with this one.
    country bumpkin

    You had an avatar of yourself here on aka about a year or so ago. I think the women enjoyed seeing that handsome mug of yours at least I know a couple of us enjoyed the view. (*~*)

    I remember that guy.....hubba hubba

    We are all Beautiful here 

    OOH,  ME! ME!  I'm be-u-ti-ful!

    beautiful |?byo?ot?f?l| adjective pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically: beautiful poetry | a beautiful young woman | the mountains were calm and beautiful. • of a very high standard; excellent: the house had been left in beautiful order | she spoke in beautiful English. PHRASES the beautiful people 1 fashionable, glamorous, and privileged people. 2 (in the 1960s) hippies. the body beautiful an ideal of physical beauty. DERIVATIVES beautifully |-f(?)l?|adverb [ as adj. ] : the rules are beautifully simple

    That is everyone here.


    A lot of us were beautiful and a lot thinner about 25 yrs. ago.  LOL


    You only look barely 25,M,C,M,

    hector, I confess that pic is from the 90s, but I was in my forties then. I don't have a recent pic in my computer files, b/c the girl that used to send me pics of me via FB and emails that she took, moved up north.And my FB does not work anymore.

    o/k thanks

    Ah, the answer. I wondered. Not that it matters.
    I was going to post a photo of me when I got my new purple glasses. Well, we can just forget that one. I look dreadful in those things. No improvement. Things just got worse.
    Your comment is vonderbar! LOL.

    itsmee, I liked that original picture of you on here . I wish you would bring it back . Thanks for commenting on my comments :-)

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