    I wanna kill myself

    I wanna kill myself

    +2  Views: 1052 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    moved lilys question to here >>>what should i do?




    i hate my life



    Tell us your problem, we may be able to give you some advice.



    lilys, keep your questions in the blue section at the top.If you want to make a comment to an answer given, use Comment this Answer.Thanks

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Phone Number

    Call them.

    Good job, Colleen.You may have saved a life.




    thank very much for u all.... i'm so sorry

    thank u collen

    thank u mycatsmom

    thank you very much guys

    I don't believe everyone

    my best friend, my boyfriend and all people...

    I don't have friend


    10 Answers

    Do not do this, contact Samaritans who will help you.


    sothing someone can help me

    Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

    Life is beauty, admire it.

    Life is a dream, realize it.

    Life is a challenge, meet it.

    Life is a duty, complete it.

    Life is a game, play it.

    Life is a promise, fulfill it.

    Life is sorrow, overcome it.

    Life is a song, sing it.

    Life is a struggle, accept it.

    Life is a tragedy, confront it.

    Life is an adventure, dare it.

    Life is luck, make it.

    Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

    Life is life, fight for it.


    thanks,, i will always remember

    Life can throw alot of crap at you at times, stand up against what ever it is, look to the future, to something better. Get some help from someone , a doctor, or a councillor, a friend, or family. It's never as bad as you think, look around you , there is always someone worse off than you.Think positive, STOP and clear your head.


    yeah.... thank u....

    Trust me...even though you don't know me...your issues will be resolved soon. Sooner than you think. Whatever is driving you to feal this way WILL pass in time...sit back and try to relax for now,if you still feel the urge to harm yourself, PLEASE RECONSIDER. Your life is so valued by people that deeply care for you. I, for one, also felt great pain, and felt like giving up. Then realized that everyone hurts sometimes. I do not know what hurts you now, but hold on. I look forward to hearing from you and that you were strong and able to overcome your present situation. Life has a wonderful way of working out things on its own time. Like nomdeplume suggested, talking to someone,sharing your problems is the first step.Don't EVER give up...


    thank u.... but,,,, i'm so confused..... tell me what should i do?

    You are not alone, I am here and I have lived through feelings like you are going through. I choose to live my life one breath at  a time, one hour at a time and one day at a time until that dark shadow over me passed away on its’ own and I could breath again and wash my face, eat something I liked and relax trying to be still, quiet my mind and just be me. The only time there is, is now and in this one and only time there is, is beyond all the pain there ever was. Fear is not now, Now is now and in times like there you are awake and alive and another hour is passing….soon tomorrow will be now and now is the only time there is.       


    yesterday, I love a man, I love him so much, we even want to get married, after all was ready, it turns out he went with a woman who was much older than me .... love that I lead for a couple of years just destroyed when I saw him making out before me

    Lilys, pplleeaasseeeee, do NOT kill yourself. Even if your boyfriend broke your heart, it's not worth it.  And  like Colleen said, call the suicide prevention center. They'll point you in the right direction. I called them myself when I was about  29. . I know it seems like your life is all over, but what's happening in your life right now is just a small portion of your life. Look at the whole big picture. Many great things will happen to you. Right now, concentrate on getting your education . Go out with your friends and family .First, get counceling thru school or work, or call your county or your doctor and ask where you can get counceling. Please keep in touch with us daily. You're in my prayers.


    thank u..... but.... hufhhth... i don't know why,,,,,, my life ruined

    your life isn't ruined.It's temporarily put on hold till you figure it out. Adn that's what counceling is for. There are counceling sesssions based on your income too.

    At some time in life most everybody thinks the very same thing. Luckily not many do. There is soo much to see and do. You want to know whats worse, imagine yourself in prison. People feeling hopeless, no freedom, not even a way to relax and go take a walk. Just so you know , you will feel a lot of pain trying to kill yourself. Go to mcdonalds buy a double cheeseburger, and go get a powerball lottery ticket. You might be walking around lucky, and not even know it. I have been in contact with three people that tried to kill themselves within past month , in a prison, they regretted it. They tried , failed , and still feeling the pain. Time for a reality check, theres nothing wrong with you. This is something you will get over. Do you like cats, go to an animal shelter and adopt an animal. You will make a quality of life difference for a stray animal. You can make a difference !!!


    i don't like pet.... i don't have friend

    Are you scared to commit yourself to caring for a small animal, that gives you affection in return.

    NO MAN is worth taking your life.  Not a single one of them.  Besides, you might miss something REALLY special that would have happened for you the very next day!  You may want to die, but you don't REALLY want to kill yourself.  Think about it...

    The pain you are feeling can't be described, nor should anyone try to tell you not to feel it; it's real and it hurts.  BUT, it will pass (trust me, I speak from experience).  The thing to do now is allow yourself to be hurt, but also start reliving the relationship and look for the holes and signs that it wasn't meant to be. If you are OK with writing, start a journal; go back to the day you met and relive everything you remember, but be harsh and really look for the red flags.
    Did he have a relationship going with someone when you met him and became involved?  If the answer to that is "yes", then you are halfway to understanding that it is a rare mistress who fills the Mrs. role without a lifetime of insecurity. If he cheated on a relationship he had with another to be with you, it's obviously OK to cheat on you with someone else.  You need to accept that, because YOU gave him the green light by being with him when he was already involved.  

    If the answer is "no", then count yourself fortunate that you aren't still involved with someone who was cheating and (I'm guessing) quite a bit older than you.  Try to feel badly for the stupid cow who got stuck with him, and don't feel bad when you can't.  Yeah, it still hurts, but you'll soon be ready for a new relationship with someone who is better suited to you.  Be picky, and don't be in a hurry to get too close.  You have a LOT of time to make a commitment to someone.  Make sure it is someone WORTHY of your love. 

    Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem………..

    Did Samaritans help you? What is Samaritans, lilys? I think most people go through periods of terrible Depression. The best advice I've ever had was "It takes time for things to get better."  I'm worried about you, of course.  My computer may be broken so I don't know if I can check back. (Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't) The people who post here are nice and will help you to the best of their ability.  Who is that in the picture?   


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