    I need a phone which is able to use three sim-cards at one time

    +1  Views: 423 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers


    the really big secret here and this goes for anyone who travels is that you can buy for a very reasonable price, cell phones that have up to 4 spots for sim cards, which mean you just buy the sim card for whatever area u need, leave it in the phone and simply transfer on your phone from sim to sim depending on your location, thus preventing roaming charges or any other of the obscene fees many people have to pay, this is one of the best kept secrets in the business, as I know many people who will simply keep buying new phones at crazy prices to try and get around paying the high fees and sorry to tell you but if your an apple fan, your screwed my friend since they wont allow it to happen as they don't have room.

    I know all about this because I am an importer of many items and cell  phones and electronics are but a few of them,  hope this helps and saves u money and if I can be of any help please let me know, I will gladly share any wisdom I may have. just ask away


    take care and good luck



    Hi,you can get the phone from any store.If it is an unlocked phone,freely use it with three network Sim card.If it is a locked phone,get the unlock code at reasonable cost from and unlock it.Then use it with freely any GSM network Sim card like three.This is the fast and permanent unlocking method.

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