    What do YOU think causes autism. I know there's lots of research material but you may have an idea that hasn't been discovered yet.

    +4  Views: 728 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    An area that is being researched....the possibility of (again) the food we eat! So many illnesses are caused by what we eat, but we just don't want to believe that THAT is even possibile!  Hopefully, one day....

    One of many articles on this subject...




    But regulars here know by now, that I am "all about the food". :)
    country bumpkin



    Don't forget Dairy Free also! LOL!!

    And remember the famous words of Fishlet too..."Free the Chickens"!! :)

    Opinion: Genetics.

    Genetics.  Though I have never met an autistic person (to my knowledges) I it it must be genetics. I have nothing else to go on, having not been introduced to family…...


    You may not always be able to tell Julie, but those with severe autism may scream alot for no apparent reason, almost all will not make eye contact with anyone, alot are as I said in my answer very intelligent. My wife had one boy in her class who managed to get hold of my mobile phone number, he used to phone me regually and talk for ages, we used to have some good conversations, he would talk for about 20 or 30 mins sometimes, then say, oh well I havn't got all day to talk to you you know I have work to do.

    Heavy metals from the environment collect as toxins in the brain (think about mercury in mother's milk) and this combined with alterations and imbalances in gut bacteria due to (drum roll) diet are at the crux of this the astounding work and research by Dr. Mark Hyman and also as a side dish, the incredible work and research by Dr. Daniel Amen. You will become both enlightened and surprised. I know I was...peace


    Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Daniel Amen. Yay!!!!!!!
    They have the answers in my opinion and are not afraid to state, quite boldly, that many traditional doctors simply WILL NOT LISTEN, no matter the mounting evidence re: (drum roll)....DIET!!!
    Marketing...such a success in our society it is making us sick. "Just pop it in the microwave".

    In addition, "Just ask your doctor", as though THAT is where you will find the "real" answer. Phhhttttt.... They only know what they are trained to know. I say, read for yourself instead and re-consider that prescription drug. There could be a better way (not a quick fix) but better!

    I used to read Dr. Amen. He knows a lot about Attention Deficit. I'll look him up.

    Dr. Amen studies the effect of our current diet, on the brain. Dr. Mark Hyman tries to get through to traditional doctors to encourage them to at least "consider" the ill effects of our food. Many will not, as many patients will not, no matter how sick they get without getting any answers.

    ...even when the answer's starin' 'em in the gut!

    Yep. Frustrating to listen to it while watching people wander around, always sick with one thing or another! grrrrrr....

    My wife worked with children with special needs for 30 years, some of which had autism. Some of the teachers there had alot of experience with this problem, but no one ever had an definate idea of what the cause was. I know there are lots of differnet levels of autism, some people with it are very intelligent, some have almost photographic memories.From my own experience ( and it's by no means professional) most of the parents I have had any contact with who have children with autism were themselves very intelligent , some almost to the extreme. One couple in particular who I had contact with through my own work were both very itlelligent , he was an almost carbon copy of Michael Bentine ( if you remember him) . he was a comedien who was a member of the goons back in the 50s 60s he was almost hyperactive in his ways, and this parent reminded me of him. I just wonder if that has anything to do with it. My meaning is if you have two very intelligent people as parents could it have something to do with how the child turns out.

    I once worked with a girl who had an autistic son. He had the MMR vaccine, so when she had a second child she decided not to let him have the vaccine, but this child is more severely autistic than the first.

    Some firms are actively recruiting autists as they have special qualities such as superb memories and powers of concentration, much better than 'normal' people.


    Nom,Her 2nd son might have had other vaccines, tho, like for typhoid, tetanus, and pertuasis (whooping cough)

    Possible, but the theory that vaccines use autism has never been proved and the doctor that said that has been struck off.

    I think it is something in the brain that "misfires".  
    Here is part of what the Autism Society's website has to say. It looks like autism may not have a specific root source:

    There is no known single cause for autism, but it is generally accepted that it is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function. Brain scans show differences in the shape and structure of the brain in children with autism versus in neurotypical children. Researchers are investigating a number of theories, including the links among heredity, genetics and medical problems.

    In many families, there appears to be a pattern of autism or related disabilities, further supporting the theory that the disorder has a genetic basis. While no one gene has been identified as causing autism, researchers are searching for irregular segments of genetic code that children with autism may have inherited. It also appears that some children are born with a susceptibility to autism, but researchers have not yet identified a single "trigger" that causes autism to develop.

    Other researchers are investigating the possibility that under certain conditions, a cluster of unstable genes may interfere with brain development, resulting in autism. Still other researchers are investigating problems during pregnancy or delivery as well as environmental factors such as viral infections, metabolic imbalances and exposure to environmental chemicals.

    Genetic Vulnerability

    Autism tends to occur more frequently than expected among individuals who have certain medical conditions, including Fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, congenital rubella syndrome, and untreated phenylketonuria (PKU). Some harmful substances ingested during pregnancy also have been associated with an increased risk of autism. Read more about related conditions.

    Environmental Factors

    Research indicates other factors besides the genetic component are contributing to the rise in increasing occurrence of autism, such as environmental toxins (e.g. heavy metals such as mercury), which are more prevalent in our environment than in the past. Those with autism (or those at risk) may be especially vulnerable, as their ability to metabolize and detoxify these exposures can be compromised.



    Good reporting! I must read it when I'm more awake. It's 2:30A.

    since the late 60s the amount of chemicals/toxins in every facet of our lives is off the scale, so all children conceived by parents consuming all this "stuff" has had a direct affect on the fetuses   chemical make up! ""

    its the same with cancer it used to be around 1/10 would be affected now its 1/3 :-(


    OK so the rate of cancer is increasing, but people are living longer as infectious diseases decrease, so that is likely to be why more are getting cancer.

    Interesting Grit ... and nomdeplume.

    The research says that it's the preservative......Thimerisol the vaccines that caused so many autisim cases.......b/c  Thimerisol has mercury in it.  When I first got soft contacts in the 80s, the saline solution burned my eyes so bad. The Dr. said Oh, that's b/c of the preservative, Thimerisol in it. Get some preservative-free solution. And that didn't burn .

     And then too, a lot of mentally impaired kids are diagnosed as having autism b/c they get more services that way .....such as a personal aid to work with them. I saw these situations when I was a sub teacher. Many of the " autistic " kids had hardly any classic symtoms of autism. But, they did have some mental or neurological condition.

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