    Have you ever had a super-natural experience ?

    If we get a good discussion going here , I'll tell you about mine   , that happened on 9-17-13 .

    +5  Views: 1141 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 supernatural powers: paranormal, psychic, magic, magical, occult, mystic, mystical, superhuman, supernormal; rare extramundane.
    2 a supernatural being: ghostly, phantom, spectral, otherworldly, unearthly, unnatural.
    I have observed those who do not engage in such discussions feel uneasy about the subject matter. In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the discomfort experienced when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions: ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions. In a state of dissonance, people may sometimes feel "disequilibrium": frustration, hunger, dread, guilt, anger, embarrassment, anxiety, etc. Apparently my overfamiliarity with this subject matter may turn some folk away from participation in such questions as I see many of my responses to be the last place on the question without responders beyond.
    terryfossil 1

    gidday Robert, mate you sound like a bloke with a lot going on in his head,however i am a dropout from school,learnt most of what i know by doing it,in other words,there is a big gap between what you read and what i know,,anyway i always read what you say,sometimes i get you and sometimes i dont,

    Thx, Robert , for weighing in on this by defining the terms.

    robert: I just jumped in to this super-natural site of mcm's. It's a good question but I gotta git now and get some stuff done. Be back

    9 Answers

    In a house in Campbellfield the whole family had experienced many sightings.  When we first moved in we were told by the other tenents that there were bangings in the wall.  We didn't take much notice of what was said.  But the same evening as we all sat down in the lounge, we all could hear bangings in the wall until the day we left nine years later.  Then at night at the evening meal, my daughter's meal was a target.   very long red hair would fall in her evening meal.  So every night she had to go without, because even if she would refill her plate, the hair would land into her plate. Besides invisible banging, hangers rattling at night and the radio going on and off even without power, we also could see the eyes of two portraits moving.    We all saw a vision on the nature strip, a man tall as the tree looking at us in a very peaceful way. He had a very neat beard around his face, wore sandals and an animals skin.  Later we were told that it was St. John.    In Cyprus many children saw St. Catherine holding a baby in the girl's primary school toilet. Invisible identities would sleepwith the children, pull off the doonas,write on the dressing table's mirror and follow us to work and school.  One would also open a stuck door if you would say please.  Fires would start by themselves infront of our very eyes until we left


    that was a lot goin on there ! A real poltergheist ! How could you stay there for 9 years ! ? You were blessed to see St.John there. It sounds like him.I had a light and the stereo come on real loud by itself.

    I took part in a few sessions on a Quijie board when I was alot younger, It was very strange the person I did it with did not know the name of the person who we contacted , I new the person but I had no control over the glass which we placed our hands on, the glass just took our hands and spelt out their name, then moved around answering our questions, until it spooked the person I was doing it with and it just said good bye.


    yeah.Ouija boards are dangerous for kids to mess around with.

    What is the "danger" lurking in a Ouija board? Splinters?

    @Bob...Some believe it is "of the devil". Many years ago, I used a Ouija board, asked a question, received an answer which I thought was totally ridiculous, impossible and would never happen. It did! I've never forgotten that experience, that's for sure!
    country bumpkin

    More details please Ducky.

    You don't want the details. It wasn't good. :(
    country bumpkin

    I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't curious.

    It was a sad time in my life, many years ago but we've all had some of those. :(
    country bumpkin

    I understand. (*~*)


    There are many ways to experience various mental states in order to understand them although most folk who experience such odd events have no prior experience to understand their experience in the framework of prior understanding. The result is a startling realization of having some sensational experience....seeing ghosts, a person with unusual powers, taken by aliens in the middle if the night, hearing voices coming from a drain pipe and all those experiential events that occur as a result of taking drugs( intentionally and/or accidentally), being hit in the head with a baseball, etc.

    When an unexpected event occurs the reactive brain seizes the inexplicable moment and frantically attempts to explain what happened, redefine the event or in any way possible and calm the physical adrenaline rush away as something acceptable to the conscious person. Plunging into mystery is truly an enigmatic event that is very difficult to retain experientially, but as a spiritual being. This event when consciously retained is not easily explained without bringing the person you are trying to explain this to into the experience with you and their mind will usually revolt and panic. Their reaction is unpredictable and usually toward rejection...but can be violent toward you also. So be aware and cautious in relating such experience. The written word is much less threatening generally.  

    Some folk get hooked on searching out inexplicable events personally and drug abusers are on the bleeding edge of such experiences. More reasonable is meditation and exploring the occult...with caution. Retaining a self-center state in mystery to calmly explore is most beneficial. Mystery religions principally explore mystery in the framework of a belief system to explain in vivid experience the mysteries of their ways.  The Bhagavad-Gita is the most interesting mystery I read.  


    good info, robert.

    I'm sitting here at my table and I'm aware it's dark outside. I am alone in the house at the moment and I got scared reading this. I used to think I'd write my stories down - make an article - a book. I don't think so. It was a part of my past that is best left in the past.
    I don't think I ever had psychic power but I did run into someone who did.
    I don't know what Bhagavad-Gita is. I'm going to go look.

    I’ve heard ghost throwing around furniture, does that count?


    YES ! Where and when was it ? !

    Seaford, Delaware. Some 25 years ago. In a large, 3 story house, very old and it had a past……..

    seems like the oldest houses have the most spiritual occupants, history, and legends.

    yes i was in very old house and at a friends house and in the night i thought it was her sitting on the edge of the bed so in the morning we were having coffee and i told her what had happened and asked her why she was sitting on my bed she kicked me under the talble as her perents were there so i shut up and then later she told me that when she was a small child she had this girl as her friend and her parents never belived her as they could not see her it turns out that she had not seen her since she went to boarding school and she was really pleased that i had seen her in the 16th century this house had burned part of the north wing with this little girl in it i was not scared and wanted to see her again i did see her by the door and and that dreaded window where it all happened 


    very interesting and sad. When I was about 7, the little boy next door to me was 3 and got himself into a playing with his older sister's lighter. He died 3 days later. He was like my little brother. :-(

    Not personally but when I was growing up there was a house in my town that supposedly had a ghost or ghosts. Things that happened there; moving furniture, figures moving about at nighttime, strange voices and pounding in the walls were seen and heard. These incidents were reported by the family who lived there, kids who slept over and adults visiting. Many people either witnessed or heard the things that happened there. So many people that it was hard to doubt their stories. 


    def a poltergheist, which merely means " Noisey Ghost " in German

    I never experienced anything supernatural that couldn't be explained later with some logic and reason. But, I love talking about it and reading the information available.

    If you imagine a point of light that you can move around with your mind and play with that, Think about your point of imagined light and think of it radiating energy. Do this in practice occasionally and think about where you would like for it to go and play with its intensity. Then when you see a young house cat imagine your ball of light and see if you can lead the cat around with it. Most folks who try it for a while can play with a cat like that at any time they chose.


    Our cat plays with a real point of life - a red one. I'll try your light play with her but I must say ... I have my doubts.

    When you speak of supernatural experiences you get into some dangerous territory. I've sure had them. Yes. I'll speak of one and it will sound like Nothing...but yet it stays with me always. Psychic or supernatural things happen to me when it's warm...humid ... even hot.

    My phone rang. It was a good friend of mine. The voice said the exact words my friend would say but yet it wasn't the right voice and it was much too loud.( Like speakers in a sports area.) I haven't read the rest of the responses but I will. The call terrified me. No one was home and I had just moved to a new town.  Maybe it was a creative form of "hearing voices"  This happened way before the time of tech ... 

    Later on the same day: I read over this and realized my words really didn't mean anything. I would have to have given some history and what words I heard over the phone. After the call and hysterical, I ran out of my house and banged on a neighbor's door. I must have scared HER as much as I was scared. 



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