    have a rat getting in house from dog door, is there a rat poison that will kill him or her, but ensure he dies outside seeking water and not inside somewhere?

    can't use spring traps outside because of my dogs

    +1  Views: 726 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    You can administer rat poison but you cant specify where it should die. If not get a cat to do the job for  you


    Welcome back. You off for the holidays?

    yeah and i will be back to school next thursday
    pretty boring because it will be on the second of january all this because of our golden jubilee

    Well I hope you have a happy holiday anyway.

    happy but too short


    Looks like you don’t have a choice, trap it outside and watch the dogs for a while…..



    Good pic.

    Good teachers……..

    Hey.... look at this! Poor dead rat .... but look at this! Congratulations Ms. Julie!

    Thanks, Fish……...

    eeewwww. I wish you hadn't posted that pic.

    you can use Decon,  but your dog or other animals might eat it and get terribly sick and die.  My friend's cat recently killed a pretty good sized rat, and left it in the front yard.

    Use a have-a-heart trap. It will trap the rat live. You can then take the trap some where far away from your house and release the rat to be someone else's problem. 


    Good, they won't be killing animals.

    Get a cat or even two, that will keep rats away, just have to watch out for the cats bringing them home alive to play with.

    Well now...he may need rescuing!!!

    Rat Rescue

    Rescue organisations sometimes have rats which need good homes, and your national rat club will be able to put you in touch with members who deal with rescued rats. In the UK, the National Fancy Rat Society is not a rescue organization, but many members take in homeless rats. One of the nice aspects of the rat world is that it does not polarize into those who breed and show, and those who keep rescues - most rat breeders find room for a few homeless rats amongst their prize winners. 'Rescued' rats may have been dumped by owners who did not look after them properly - often by people who bought a breeding pair and then could not cope with the babies. Sometimes they have been seized by animal welfare organizations, either from individuals or from pet shops. If you adopt an adult rat, you will be able to get a rough idea of its health and temperament straight away. Initial shyness may subside as the rat gets used to you. Baby rescued rats are more of a gamble, as it may be hard to find out about the health and temperament of both parents. It can be very rewarding to give a home to an animal which truly needs one, and many rescued rats make great pets. However, we recommend that you do not take on rescued rats until you have kept a couple of friendly, well-socialized rats, after which the rescued rats can benefit from your experience.>>>>READ MORE HERE >>>


    Is it Red or White with rat?  Are they white meat, or red?  I would go with a robust Red, like Burgundy...


    Or a nice Cabernet!! LMAO!!!

    or a "fine chanti", as in Silencing of the Lambs...

    Or a nice pinewood rattrap!! A Saskatchewan blend...LOL!

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