    when will God come


    +1  Views: 1065 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    blinkz, what prompted you to ask this question? You don't have to respond if you don't want.

    God will be here, whatever He wants. Walks in the Earth, like A BOSS! xD

    AldeWicht, GOD is here as HE was from the begining.

    Yep :)

    10 Answers

    God doesn't have to come he is always here , and every where

    The consept of place and time is his own creation he is not circumsribed by them , he is out of space and time

    We, ashis creation are bounded to space and time so, to imagine some thing we have to locat it in space and time, God is not bounded by any space ,and not limited by any time



    yes o course its clear,???????????????

    Don.......You been watching too much Mork adn Mindy hahahaha

    Only God knows the day or time. The world has been ending any day now since my grandmother was a child...............


    Julie girl that is so true! I memember (yes me-member) my Baba (yes, Baba) wringing her hands at Mum's kitchen table crying that the end was near because men were messing with God....we were watching the '69 moonlanding on the tube as she sat there saying "Shottai hrabbish...yeniz nai-you" which, loosely translated means.." What the hell??? I don't know"!!!

    What a memory! What a thing to remember.........

    Lindi, is that Yiddish ?
    lindilou's Ukrainska! ;)

    jh...she looked like a peasant woman from the old country...Mum told her to be quiet because she was scaring the kids! Poor ole girl was fairly distraught! It is a strange memory. ;)

    Sawali and I are of like minds on this....I believe God is ALWAYS present and with you.   If you mean, "When will be the second coming of Christ?" , I don't know.


    What do Christians expect Christ to do during his second coming? I'm being serious here. Do they expect forgiveness "en masse". Will He fix all that is broken with humanity? Will He punish all those past and present who are and have been responsible for the bad? Should believers look forward to His arrival or dread the day?

    The book of Revelation supposedly has the answers to your questions, and I'm not familiar with much of what is written there. For punishment, I think just leaving us here is punishment enough, because the others will be going to Heaven with Him, and that's where I want to end up. I feel like this is hell much of the time anyway.
    I don't think there will be any fixing of humanity. It is what it is. The faithful have nothing to fear and will be joyful. It won't be pretty for the rest of us. I don't know that we'll get "one more chance" to believe at that point.
    For me, I've had my skepticism answered satisfactorily. I know, in my head, it's right. My heart is sometimes filled, but so many times, I feel disconnected from absolutely everything and everyone. I don't know what to tell you, digger. While I know it's true, it's still hard to wrap my heart around it. I'm sorry I can't give you an answer that makes sense.

    digger, someone will probably kill him, like they did the first time around.

    Not likely, mcm.
    terryfossil 1

    hey Bob,you already gave Digger the answer,,if you accept christ into your life.then you will know he is there,,and then you will not need answers,,,head up Bob

    terryfossil 1, thank you.

    B/PKB, If you believe he is here, there is no 2nd coming - he is already here!

    sawali: God is always present, in the form of the Holy Spirit. Christ IS coming again. Maybe we aren't so much of like minds on this after all.

    GOD Is here and with you all the time.  


    yes,sawali Jesus said I will send a comforter to be with you....The Holy Spirit

    i know god says ''lest i come quickly you will destroy yourselves'   have a nice day anyhow.........


    Are you sure he said have a nice day,Terry??????????

    What exactly does that mean,TF?
    terryfossil 1

    hi Digger old mate,,if you see a blind guy walking towards a cliff,,if someone dont grab him pretty soon,he will destroy himself over the cliff,,now you decide who the blind guys are,,,, have a good one mate,,,,

    Get out there and do your family, your neighbour and yourself some good. The rest of it is all BS.


    Would you like me to spell it out for you?

    That is one way of putting i guess,Digger,

    He will come at the end of the world. This happened twice last year, but you may not have noticed.


    what good is HE when the world ends? Don't you need him now?

    When the world ends, a new one appears according to holy books where there is no war and the situation that existed in the Garden of Eden reappears.

    Seems to me, God never left. Oh…was that the day everyone and everything in the Grand Universe vanished…I don’t remember. What was the question? Never mind it’s not that important. I forgot what it was about anyway.  


    yes GOD never leaves you because HE is omnipotent, is all powerful creator and is with you when you keep him with you.

    Elvis has left the building! In any case rg, a beautiful Black Bear just came grooving through here trying out all the trees for climbing...a nice sized yearling! I scared him off by building a smudge fire with Fir bark....he bolted but then started running back and forth to the other man...I gave a couple whoops and cowboy whistles and in the creek he went...bye bye Bear! LOL ;D

    At least the bear left...

    Thank GOD!!! ;D

    During His Moedim, Rosh HaShana. During the last trump, He will come from the heavens with a shout, the dead in Messiah will rise first, then all of us who remain will get caught up with them in the air, and there shall we always be with the Lord.

    If you do not know this, then it will take you like a thief in the night. Christianity is lost, they do not follow Yah's Moedim, His Feast Times, His Appointed Times, Father's timetable, appointments we should be keeping.

    Jesus said He will come back when we have floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and wars, and rumors of wars, and when men lie with men. He said he will take you back up with him, if you are a believer.


    All things that have happened in the entire history of this planet. Way to be precise huh? Wonder why he never mentioned women lying with women as a bad thing. I think Jesus was more of a man than people think he was ;)

    Colleen you did not misunderstand LIE with Lying did you?

    Are you saying she lied?

    Lie = a false statement made with evil intentions, also to be in a recumbent position.
    A liar is someone who tells lies
    Lying = Recumbent or prostrate., also deliberately false.
    If I said I was a believer I would be lying.

    The bible uses lie for lay. What can I say? :)

    The Bible is the 'inspired' word ogf God so perhaps He has the answer.

    sawali, let it go. You are messing with the pretzel queen.

    bOB/pkb, It's your wish. Period.

    nomdeplume, you say perhaps He know. So, two things : 1. God is not here (where is he?)2. Perhaps means He might or might not know. Do I understand right in your belief?

    So, I ask again who is the 'pretzel queen'?
    Does she post on this site?
    What relevance does she have to the original question 'When will God come'.

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