    Do people just sit around answering questions on this site?

    Questions seemed get answered fairly quickly. Do people just sit around waiting for questions to come in and answer them? What's the motivation? How accurate are those answers?

    +2  Views: 1235 Answers: 15 Posted: 10 years ago

    The motivation is as simply as finding enjoyment in helping others. This is a free forum so many answers can come from opinions, personal experience or the internet. It is up the the person who asked to question to decide if the answer is a good one or not. If a moderator sees an answer that is truly incorrect or leads the asker in a wrong direction, the answer will be removed if it is a detrimental one. Medical questions are answered as best as the volunteer can but suggesting the person to see a doctor is the best advice anyone here can give and they usually do in addition to their answer.

    You could have stopped but you chose not to.

    Hey, lotsofquestions, I found your question and answer forum. Looks slow for people getting answers. How many members do you have?

    Wow!! Our first espionage case!!! A spy!! Now we gotta upgrade our security system with drones, hidden cameras and mics and small children we can deputize and fit in crawl spaces. Ain't no place safe anymore.

    Nah, we don't need Obama for this one ;)
    terryfossil 1

    hi Colleen,in your 8 line answer,you left out ;interesting and light hearted banter,,,,,nice answer

    thanks to all the kind answers.

    15 Answers

    I pop in and out as time allows, this is a worldwide site, there are lots of different time zones, I research most of my answers on the net, I hope they help the people that ask, if you want my "opinion" on anything personal on anything, if I have one I'll give it.


    To have it deleted??

    Romos,I read the last part of your above answer with interest, and wounder if your thinking of becomming A&Qs, Agony Uncle, mmmm

    Agony uncle?
    Are you kidding me?
    I think I'm aka's bad boy now.
    To some people anyway!

    Romos, you dont come across as a bad boy to me,but then you know the saying,there are some peple you can please some of the time,but not all the time.

    Two more sayings

    I maybe dumb, but Im not stupid.

    A bachelors life is no life for a single man.

    I  often scratch my er,hm, head before,i give my answer,

    country bumpkin


    I have to scratch my flea bites before I give an answer. I've acquired many of them lately. (*~*)

    You need to preen your feathers more,c/b,

    Hey hector, I'm the one with feathers, not CB! LOL!

    Oh,yea sorrey,i ment, have a good dust barth,

    "Dust barth"?

    Thats what my chickens used to do,to clean thier feathers,
    country bumpkin

    LOL Hector. I'm completely featherless!

    country bumpkin

    @ Ducky,please don't laugh so loud because it hurts my sensitive ears! Tee hee hee!

    CB...Then stop being funny! :)

    Yes. That's all I do is sit and read and answer. What do you do with your time?


    Sit on my fat bum in wonderment.

    so, jh,about how many hours a day do you spend on akaQA ?

    MCM, not many. I just pop in once and awhile and try to make sure I've used up all of my votes..............

    Not  really.I'm here because I have developed friendships with regulars on this site and because I live on the opposite side of the world to most of them gives me an opportunity to get a different point of view.Every now & then I find a question that I can answer & give it my best shot.


    Don't forget your humor contribution. :)
    country bumpkin

    Yep..Tommy you're a hoot.
    I'm glad to know ya!

    We've learned alot about life down under from you , Tom, and other aussies. ♥

    Don't know where I'd be w/o you, really........

    Aw shucks you guys.You're all among my favourites.

    Most of my answers are opinions Many of our members will give you links to your questions! WE ARE GREAT  however we have intra differences that may never be resolved!  Welcome! check us out we can be entertaining!

    When I'm home, I jump on and off of akaQA throughout the day rather than just sit here for hours on end. In between, I do other things.....visit with friends, cook, do laundry, golf, clean my house, read....all the normal stuff.      :)


    Don't understand your comment.

    We breeze in and out. We don't sit here all day waiting with baited breath for a question that we can answer. When a member gives you a link to look up on the net,,,.........that's pretty reliable; and you can get your questions answered that way.

    I multitask.  I am in my office, I have several sites opened, I check when I get a moment but I get a lot done as well. I use AKA as a release to job pressure.  It helps and its kinda fun.    Sitting and waiting for Q's is not what anyone IMO does, sometimes we get lucky and there's a fresh one waiting.   Some people wait for a year to get their answers.

    I just drop in from time to time to add some serious commentary to what would otherwise be a chaotic comedy festival. If I can't "answer" a question without the aid of Google, I don't bother. I don't quite understand why people ask simple questions that can easily be looked up on wikipedia.


    I just try to look intellegent,

    Yeah digger, don't you just hate it when that chaotic comedy festival takes place? Good that you're here to add something worthwhile! BTW, what's your favorite color? :)

    @ Duck. My fav colour? Following a thorough Interweb search, I can confirm to you that MY colour is BLUE ! Now, quit joking around! This is serious business.

    I apologize for my light heartedness. I did not mean to be so offensive with my frivolity. I shall go to my mirror and frown a while before I make any more comments so lacking in substance. :(

    Long live our founder: Alfred E Neuman

    "serious commentary"? ROFLMAO!!! ;D

    I work most days again now, even though I am retierd, I have the computer on all day entering up records relating to work. So, every now and again I check on aka to see whats happening, it's a way to chill out from work, and the people on here are frendly and interesting.


    My garden fence is a bit woberly,

    That's because you spend alot of time leaning on it, talking to the woman next door Dennis. lol



    You're right. Some of us sit with our computers on our laps 24/7, twiddling our thumbs while waiting for questions like what time it is in Ajdjkhfkdsl or Jkjdaheipsoaf.  We battle to be the first to respond to serious questions:  "Hello", "Who is my mom", "How old are you", and "What's your problem".  The day wouldn't be complete without someone asking (and the privilege of responding) "Where's my refund?"

    Seriously, most of us are here for a diversion from everyday life.  It's fun interacting with each other and helping the many people who stumble upon this site as I asking a question.  





    She can hear a question coming through. :)

    ...whilst holding the acer sideways...hahaha! 8D

    i spend almost the whole day here because it loads faster than facebook and  i will soon be going to school (boarding school)



    Promise to go to class and NOT spend all day here. It's an OK way to kill time, but not spend your life.

    I actually work on my own projects most of my day and sometimes late into the night. Many of my pet projects are sent out for other folk to carry to fruition when I don’t have time or energy to do the work.  I really should move to a larger town if  can get my brain and body to perform a miracle of age reversal. Hocus pok-us doesn’t work, Abakadaberas I can’t say without laughing….Maybe it Works!



    Eat Seaweed in your soup...the brown elephantish ear looking has air pockets in the funky looking tips and is slimy as heck when you harvest and use Pacific seaweed for arthritis and 2 varieties will come up in images...either will you just wash it really well and chop it fine like angel hair and toss it in any sort of soup, stew or tends to disappear nicely...then eat it....toss some in your ham 'n' scram eggs, miso soup...this will reverse the process as well as making extra sure your kidneys are well and liver...these, once cleaned up, help youth reappear. Now I'm no doctor but I have a great feeling that if you do just this and see a Chinese Herbalist for the 'cheap' liver/kidney pearls you'll be kickin' those heels in no time! Duuuude!!!
    peace LL

    Lindilou..I’ll give it a go …and thank you

    I'm pushing it took the arthritis right outta my knee after only a few weeks eating it every 2-3 days in soup...I am still impressed!


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