    What S & W pistol is #135888 for?

    What Smith & Wesson pistol is #135888 the serial number for?

    0  Views: 1301 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    Contact S & W here >

    You need to purchase a S&W catalog to check the serial number. They do not provide the information free. Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson. 



    Not quite understand the question. If you want the age of the pistol, then I would go to a handgun forum where the gun gurus live and give them the number, they can probably tell you what you want to know.


    It's funny but gun gurus respect S&W and tell people the same as I did, "buy the catalog". It's typically the answer I find on gun forums when I'm checking a serial number for someone here that asks.

    Don't we get to provide our own answers anymore? What a unique sense of humor the past couple of days.

    He provided an answer. It's here. I was sharing information. I thought you didn't like drama Bob, seems to me you're trying to start some again.

    This hardly classifies as drama.

    "Trying to start".

    Again? Seriously, Colleen, the person who starts a brouhaha isn't me. I asked a question about the old questions and "somebody" got upset. I asked a question about families spending time together and "somebody" got her panties in a bunch over one of the answers. Vinny answered a question after you supplied the supreme answer and you reprimanded him for it, but it's funny. The one who starts problems here isn't me. Drama can be entertaining; what goes on here isn't.
    Oh, and you may have the last usual.

    You're being a little extreme in your rendition but you are also proving me right. You just wanted to start something. Stop now. I let you get away with a lot of crap yesterday. Be happy with that. Do not start it up again in another question. Your question was locked to stop it. Yes, this is a warning.

    How you read my answer to Vinny is your problem. I was not reprimanding him. I was sharing what I had found out in searching many times for serial numbers. Do not presume to read my mind. This is where you go wrong every time.

    WTH??? I saw Colleens answer, I wasn't trying to 'override' her answer, I was offering a supplement answer, a recourse of action should her reply not work. I did not know Colleen had researched guns before and how would I?? I based my reply on the many subjects I have researched, I find that the best results on my searches have actually been where a concentration of 'gurus' regardless the item hang out, and that is specialized forums. Many times there are people on these forums that are not only gurus in the subject but also work for the manufacturer. I get unbiased answers from forums, much more information than the makers provide. This is my opinion.

    As far as doubling up on answers here, who is to say that one person's answer is better than anothers?? If I see an answer, I trust that the posted did their homework but maybe I also have an answer that 'might' be good as well. I never thought of this place being competitive in a variety of answers to the same question. Should I and others just ignore questions that already have 'one' answer?? lets not assume our answer is always the best and only answer to the questions posted. :(

    I never had a problem with you answering too. I didn't have a problem with ROMOS's answer sending them to S&W. I was just sharing information with you, something that I had come across in all my searches. I've found it interesting that even the gun sites will not share the information on serial numbers for S&W guns. It seems to me that they respect S&W's desire to sell the information rather than give it freely. I was conversing with you not having a problem with the fact that you answered too. My comment was taken wrong.

    I digress; Maybe their lack of offering serial# identification has something to do with stolen guns? They don't want to be an accomplice to the fact? But then again, a person that acquires a gun privately may be afraid to register it in fear that it is stolen in which case it would be confiscated and the buyer arrested for receiving stolen goods. (maybe this is why they don't want to talk serial numbers on gun forums) In my business (pianos) we have people calling almost everyday trying to sell an old piano, they give me a serial# and I cross reference to age and even where it was first sold)

    I'm not sure. It's odd that they do not have a free serial number list like other gun companies do. I've only ever found that S&W is the only one who charges. If you go direct to them, they will provide you with the information but they charge you a fee for it or they request that you buy their catalog. I can't see how that protects them from anything. I personally think it is just their way of making extra money.

    Yeah probably. About a month ago we took a Steinway Grand in trade, we couldn't find anything on this piano, it was unique- We contacted Steinway in New York and they charged us $50.00 for information. The information they supplied was intense! The day it came off assembly line to the dealer and finally to the first owner and locations. The piano was unique as is was a special order from the first customer. (1941). So, yeah, some companies do charge for this.

    A few years ago, I contacted GM, the Corvette museum inKentucky, I wanted the original window sticker and the build sheet, they supplied me with these items at 12 buck each. I have them both laminated- I'm weird that way. LOL!

    Yes, car manufacturers are the same way. They charge for new owner's manuals. That I guess I can understand because the manual is in book form and it does cost them to have them printed. As for S&W, the information for the serial number is not a lot and could be a simple matter of just e-mailing it which would cost them nothing except the time it took someone to e-mail it. For your piano, considering it's age, it might have taken some research to find what you needed. I can understand a fee for that. As for your corvette, well it's a corvette. Anything associated with it would mean money. You're paying for the name more than anything. There's money in refurbishing and original car parts and accessories. They know it helps the cars value.

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